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Bruz The Chopper Is Back To Breakdown Middle-Earth: Shadow Of War Again

Bruz The Chopper Is Back To Breakdown Middle-Earth: Shadow Of War Again

Middle-Earth: Shadow Of War

If you are still on the fence for Middle-Earth: Shadow Of War then let Bruz sell you more on why you should buy Shadow Of War now that it has launched

Today is the day that war has come as Middle-Earth: Shadow Of War has officially launched now and you can currently pick it up for the PS4, Xbox One, and PC where ever you so choose to do so. Of course, Monolith Productions would have loved you to pre-order the game well before now, but sometimes that just cannot be the case. Sometimes you need to have a great reason and a better breakdown of the game before you go out and pick it up and while the reviews for Shadow Of War are describing it well, there is no better being out there to describe it all that Bruz the Chopper and this is what we have here for you right now.

If none of the promotional footage or descriptions have made the sale for you on Shadow Of War then give this one more try as we have a breakdown of all of the gameplay features and story from before this title being told by one of those in the world that has to live it. Well, live it as much as any video game character can. It is promotional stuff so what were you truly expecting from it all. At least it is one of the better ways to see how the war go to where it is in Shadow Of War and gives yet another insider look at the new features that are coming to the game as well as how the older features are being revisited and improved upon as well.

Middle-Earth: Shadow Of War — Bruz The Chopper

In a style in which only he can deliver, the charismatic Bruz the Chopper returns after his memorable debut at E3 2017 to recap everything players need to know about the upcoming Middle-Earth: Shadow Of War, including the game’s original story and the award-winning Nemesis System.

If you are still not sold on Middle-Earth: Shadow Of War, then here is one more effort to get your attention and cash sent on out for the game. As with all video games out there, here is the latest launch trailer for the game that shows off little more of Monolith‘s work, but does give us a great look at why we should be dropping the cash on the game. Just as launch trailers are supposed to do. I hope you were not hoping for an epic new reason to not wait any longer on picking up Middle-Earth: Shadow Of War. I do not think that we are going to get any more as it has been sold rather well so far.

Middle-Earth: Shadow Of War — Launch Trailer

WAR IS HERE. Middle-Earth: Shadow Of War is available now on Xbox One, Windows 10 PC (Windows Store and Steam), PlayStation 4 and PlayStation 4 Pro!

Have you already picked up your copy of Middle-Earth: Shadow Of War or are you still one of those holdouts that these videos were made for? Do you think that these new systems will truly have improved upon the older title or will they just be new bells and whistles to distract from the micro-transaction that will be in the game? Are you thinking of holding out on it like some did for Shadow Of Mordor to take advantage of a lower price to hours of gameplay? Give us your thoughts and feelings on all of this down in the comments and then discuss. If we find out more for Middle-Earth: Shadow Of War, we will have it here. Keep checking back in for all of that and much more.

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