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Take Aim With New Rainbow 6 Siege Gameplay With NVIDIA GameWorks

Take Aim With New Rainbow 6 Siege Gameplay With NVIDIA GameWorks

Rainbow 6 Siege

We have another Rainbow 6 Siege gameplay trailer to look at and this one shows off how Rainbow 6 Siege will make use of NVidia GameWorks

We may not have covered much on Rainbow 6 Siege here to date but it looks like we have a new trailer for the game and it shows off more on how awesome the game could look on the PC. I say PC as it is an NVidia GameWorks trailer but Rainbow 6 Siege does hit the PS4 and Xbox One on December 1st. None the less the game is looking rather nice so far but now we have a look at the extra steps that Ubisoft is going to try and give us an even better experience. At least at how Rainbow 6 Siege will look and nothing on how it will play.

I won’t get into the nitty gritty here on what is going on here for Rainbow 6 Siege and let the video show you more on what is going on here. Hopefully Ubisoft has made some great leaps and bounds over what they have done before Rainbow 6 Siege so far. I am sure they have but stranger things have happened in the past. Until then here is a quick look at what we have here for the game so far. I only wish we had more to show and tell for Rainbow 6 Siege than this.

Rainbow 6 Siege — NVIDIA GameWorks Trailer

I’ll be honest here as I am not seeing much of a difference between the options that are being shown here for Rainbow 6 Siege. It could be the video quality we have from the host or it could be the fact that Ubisoft was limited in their cross-platform development for Rainbow 6 Siege and are not able to use the power of a PC to its fullest. I’m not a huge PC person so I expect to hear or read things from those of you that are, but that is how I see it. Maybe something will sway me more as we get even closer to Rainbow 6 Siege‘s launch.

What do you think about what you saw for Rainbow 6 Siege here? Does it impress or let down? Do you think that Ubisoft is going to deliver an amazing experience with Rainbow 6 Siege or is this just “graphics hype” to entice more to purchase the game? Let us know, feel free to discuss, and tell me if I am wrong in the comments below. If we have more to see for Rainbow 6 Siege before the release date we should have it here for you. For this and all other things video games out there keep it locked in here.

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