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15 More Minutes Of South Park: The Fractured But Whole Is Out Now

15 More Minutes Of South Park: The Fractured But Whole Is Out Now

South Park: The Fractured But Whole

More gameplay from South Park: The Fractured But Whole has been released and now we get to see some solid gameplay for South Park and not a few seconds

Earlier this week we had some new South Park: The Fractured But Whole gameplay come out while many others had a chance to play a little bit of the game wearing a disgusting gas mask. That is how Ubisoft wanted to do it but it left a lot of us out in the lurch hoping to see something more than a few seconds in a short clip of the game. Thankfully we have other major sites out there that are paid to show off what they want to and now we have fifteen minutes of gameplay for South Park to gaze upon even if a little bit of it is the same as before.

As it looks, we have the first little bit of South Park: The Fractured But Whole to see get played through that picks up right where the last game left off. Almost literally as the New Kid walks in from Cartman’s back yard still in his Dragonborn costume and without access to the Coon and Friends’ secret hide out. All of course with the great humor that the team is well known for. And all of the potty humor in general.

What is extra interesting and has yet to be seen before is the full list of character classes we’ll get to select from during our creation story. Only the three that have been shown off in all of the demos in the past have any kind of detail to them but there is a list that goes from your basic Gadgetteer to a Netherborn to a Mystic to a Karate Kid. I truly hope we get a Ralph Macchio costume in the game to go along with that. At least if Ubisoft can get the rights to do just that and bring in even more references and jokes as we’ve already seen. So very exciting and fun.

South Park: The Fractured But Whole — Gameplay

  • Brutalist
  • Blaster
  • Speedster
  • Elementalist
  • Gadgeteer
  • Mystic
  • Cyborg
  • Psychic
  • Assassin
  • Commander
  • Netherborn
  • Karate Kid

I do have to say that whoever was running the demo didn’t seem too certain on what to do when it came to the combat. This is a whole new system that we need to learn and I am sure we’ll have a tutorial when South Park: The Fractured But Whole finally launches but it looks like it was skipped here. It also looked like it can run really clunky if you don’t pay attention and follow all of the steps the first time around. I am curious on the number of movements you can take in the round still as I thought it would be only one but it looks like the New Kid can move quite a few times before striking.

What do you think about the new gameplay for South Park: The Fractured But Whole that we have here? Do you think that this would have been a better showing than the very limited version of things that we had before? What abilities and looks do you think the other classes will have? Let us know and feel free to discuss in the comments below. For all things South Park though, be sure to stay right here to keep up to date as we’ll keep bringing you everything that we are given to show off to you all.

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