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A Demon Runs Wild In Soulcalibur VI As Yoshimitsu Joins The Roster

A Demon Runs Wild In Soulcalibur VI As Yoshimitsu Joins The Roster

Soulcalibur VI

The next character for Soulcalibur VI and it is another blast from the past of Soulcalibur to cause all kinds of Hell and frustration for others

The next character to join the roster of SoulCalibur VI has been revealed and it is none other than one of the fan favorites Yoshimitsu. Fan favorite or character that annoys the Hell out of you when someone selects him given his moves and disorienting nature. At least that is how I always found him when I played him in the past and it looks like Bandai Namco is keeping with a lot of the traditional for him in Soulcalibur VI. I will not deny that this is what has pushed me over the top for excitement for the game to finally launch later this year for the PS4, Xbox One, and PC. It has made some of my fighting game buddies a little more on the worried side though.

Anyways, Yoshimitsu is back for Soulcalibur VI and bringing with him the spinning attacks and sword swinging action from before. You cannot truly hate one of the original mechanical ninjas out there, can you? Well, you can, but it does not seem to feel correct when all is said and done here for Soulcalibur VI. Hopefully, things get a bit more balanced at the end of it all, though the gameplay we have here does not seem to support that being the case here. Have a look at him in action for Soulcalibur VI and then wait for another new combatant to enter the arena.

Soulcalibur VI — Yoshimitsu

The Original Mechanical Ninja returns with a sword in hand and wacky attacks at the ready. The Manji Ninjitsu practitioner brings his Manji-Sword and Fu-Ma Blade into the fight.

How are you feeling about Yoshimitsu making his way into SoulCalibur VI? Would it have felt “wrong” to not include him in this game or is he one of the iconic ones that needs to be in every iteration of the franchise? What other characters are you hoping to see make a return or are you holding out hope for some other new once to grace the scene? Let us all know down in the comments and then feel free to discuss. We know there will be more for Soulcalibur VI in the coming weeks and we will have it all here on the site. Be sure to keep checking back in to make sure you are up to date on all of it.

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