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A Few New Screenshots For The Technomancer To Marvel At

A Few New Screenshots For The Technomancer To Marvel At

The Technomancer

Another small batch of screenshots for The Technomancer have made their way online to show off the vastness and horrors awaiting us in our journey with The Technomancer

The Technomancer has been in for one rollercoaster of a ride for me when it has come to its visuals and depiction of the mythical “Red Planet.” Some shots and video I have seen from Spiders Games have blown my mind even though they are listed as pre-alpha. Others have not. Others still have made me look at The Technomancer and wonder how much more Focus Home Interactive is going to pay for this title to hit the PS4, Xbox One, and PC. Like I said; The Technomancer has been one real rollercoaster ride for me.

Thankfully though these new screenshots that have been released for The Technomancer are bringing us back up to a peak as they are showing off Spiders Games‘ work extremely well here. They show off the large world that they are creating and some of the horrible creatures that we will be facing when we play The Technomancer. Granted these are some of the things we’ve seen in the past and nothing truly new but at least we have something to keep the hype train rolling for The Technomancer and not just leave it on the side of the tracks.

As you’ve hopefully have figured by now this is only a new batch of screenshots and there has been no extra information about The Technomancer to be handed out with them. Not all updates can be winners after all. Although these new images for The Technomancer do bring the hype train back around so I guess they are doing their part perfectly. Now we just need to beg Focus Home Interactive to give us some more gameplay to look forward to for The Technomancer. That’s not too much to ask for is it?

What are your thoughts on The Technomancer here? Does it look like the game is shaping up well or will it take some truly new footage or images to help you make that decision? Have you felt the same as I on what we’ve seen for The Technomancer to date? Let us all know down in the comments and discuss. Hopefully these new images are gearing us all up for a massive new update for The Technomancer from Spiders Games. When that happens we will have it here so be sure to keep checking in for more on The Technomancer as the days push on.

The Technomancer

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