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A New Horror Game That Has Its Goal Right In The Name With DON’T SCREAM

A New Horror Game That Has Its Goal Right In The Name With DON’T SCREAM


New horror title, DON’T SCREAM, has some new gameplay with the main goal of the game being that you DON’T SCREAM

If you needed a new horror game where the title tells you most of what you need to know to win, then we have something for you here with DON’T SCREAM. A new indie horror title that is following the “found footage” look a few other titles are going with as of late. The kicker for this PC title, though, is that it requires a microphone to play and the game will restart if you scream. Hence the title DON’T SCREAM. A little on the nose for things, but an interesting new thing to add to the genre and industry on the whole. Even if it is not the first to use this kind of feature, it is a new use for it all and we have a bit of the gameplay to look at now.

As you will see below, DON’T SCREAM is doing a great job of giving us the visuals of a ’90s camcorder found footage that feels a bit like The Blair Witch Project. Not a copy or clone of that IP, but it will have us wandering around in some weird wooded areas with some other weird stuff going on out there. Our goal is to explore the forest and figure things out for eighteen minutes. All while doing what the title asks of us… DON’T SCREAM. This does mean, of course, that there will be some weird jump scares and other things that come at us in the game to try to make us all fail that and start over from the beginning of the game. Have a look and see just how the test footage does for this.

DON’T SCREAM — Gameplay Reveal

If you scream, you restart. DON’T SCREAM is an Unreal Engine 5 short horror experience inspired by ’90s camcorder found footage. Made by two indie devs. The challenge is simple: explore the mysterious Pineview Forest for 18 minutes without screaming.

Of course, this all looks like DON’T SCREAM is a title made for those basic YouTube and Twitch streams out there more than anything. At least to me. While the concept is awesome in general for the gaming community, none of the scares or jumps here made me have much of a reaction. Mostly since I do not have an audience waiting for me to make a big deal about nothing. Since there is no indication of what feels like a “scream” for DON’T SCREAM, it feels like a title that most of us will be able to master fairly easily out there. This is not a knock on DON’T SCREAM, but the target audience does seem like it is going for those who need to boost some kind of click-rate on their channel because they cannot crave attention for less than eighteen minutes.

What do you think about DON’T SCREAM and what we have here to offer up? Do you think you would be able to make it through the whole ordeal without a peep or will the microphone track ever noise and the game will be over because a kid outside screamed? Is this for the horror gaming community at large or will it be the next title everyone is streaming and making a big deal about when it is insanely easy just to be quiet? Scream your head off in the comments and then discuss it all. There is more for DON’T SCREAM, I am sure, and we will offer up what we can for the game. Maybe, we will even play a fully silent version of it all so you can see it without the annoying commentary most put out there just to “be entertaining.”

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