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A New Look At The Dynamic Timeline For Is Here For Othercide

A New Look At The Dynamic Timeline For Is Here For Othercide


Just ahead of the launch for Othercide, we have one more look at just how the gameplay will flow in Othercide with its timeline

July 28th still marks the date that the PS4, Xbox One, and PC will see Othercide with the Switch getting a launch just a little bit later down the line. Something I am sure some of you have been keeping an eye on and others might have been missing the mark for the game since Lightbulb Crew offered it up not too long ago. It happens. There has been a whole lot of crap going on in the year and you might have forgotten that Othercide was coming and what it is about. That is why we have one more video to take in to see some of the gameplay we will soon get and just how it will all function once it is in our hands. As long as we can handle it all just as well as the team here makes it look.

Othercide is a strategy title that takes us into some dark areas of things. We will have our “Sisters” out there taking down all kinds of monstrosities between worlds and to do so we will need to plan correctly. Thankfully, we will be able to see the timeline bar to see who goes when during the encounters and then have the ability to set up or manipulate it as we need to. That is, we will be able to cancel or alter things based on how we place our characters and designate attacks. It is a cool looking feature that hopefully will draw in more users for Othercide. I do love me a tactical game out there and then the fact that we will need to sacrifice other Sisters to heal the ones we want will kind of bring it into a meta thing as we decide. Have a look at what is new and then get ready to fight the good fight next week.

Othercide — Gameplay Overview

Othercide: A new Gameplay Overview trailer to discover its nightmarish universe and spectacular tactical combat

Othercide debuts on PlayStation 4, Xbox One, and PC in under two weeks on July 28th, and later this summer on Nintendo Switch. As Humanity’s last hope, lead your army of Daughters to combat in an intricate dance of spectacular actions and counters, and face fearsome bosses in epic battles. Today’s Gameplay Overview Trailer shows off exclusive footage, taking a deep dive into the tactical combat and progression systems that make up this dark indie gem.

Dynamic Timeline System: set up combos and manipulate foes

In Othercide, the unique Dynamic Timeline System is at the core of every battle. Rather than simply controlling where and what your units do, you will also manipulate when things happen. This can be used in many ways, from interrupting an enemy attack before it even occurs, to unleashing a devastating series of combos. Death will inevitably take you. Healing Daughters requires the sacrifice of another, and your forces cannot withstand the onslaught of Suffering forever. However, there is hope: each failed run opens up new game-changing abilities, options and opportunities for the next attempt.

Are you ready for Othercide to land on us or was this the reminder you needed for the game? Do you like the fact we will have to sacrifice along the way for our greater good or will that be bothersome down the line? How detailed do you think our setups will be able to be or will it be just as we see here and nothing more? Let us all know down in the comments what you are thinking and then feel free to discuss it all. If we have more to share for Othercide, know we will have it all here. Just be sure to keep coming back for all of that.

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