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A New Reveal Is Here To Allow Us All To Join The Midnight Murder Club

A New Reveal Is Here To Allow Us All To Join The Midnight Murder Club

Midnight Murder Club

A new hide-n-seek game, Midnight Murder Club, has been revealed with Midnight Murder Club offering up a darker twist to this children’s game

When you hear of a title like Midnight Murder Club, I am going to guess that your mind does not jump right into a hide-n-seek kind of game, but that is what we have coming at us here. This would be a new title from Velan Studios that is taking the fun of that children’s game and giving it a dark twist. Not only in the fact that Midnight Murder Club will be more like hide-n-seek in the dark with flashlights, but we will also be shooting those we find in this weird six-player multiplayer game. That is kind of where the title of the game comes in as only one of us will be making it out of the match alive. All so the devil can bring us back and put us through the torment many more times.

The idea behind Midnight Murder Club is like many of the other horror stories where a group of humans come together and are placed into a death game where they need to stalk and kill each other. In a few instances, they can work together for a few other bonuses and to survive some of the traps, but on the base surface, it is a six-player battle royale. Just with us in complete darkness and only our flashlights and muzzle flashes to help us spot each other. All while trapped in the Wormwood Manor of the Midnight Murder Club so we can play out the sick fantasies of others. Have a look and see where it is all at for now, and then see if this is going to be a title you are going to want to experience many times over afterward.

Midnight Murder Club — Reveal

Heart-pounding and hilarious multiplayer FPS fun. Trust your senses and overcome your fears as you’re armed with a flashlight and a revolver, then set against your friends in a pitch-black mansion with surprises around every corner.

Hide, seek, & shoot in the dark.

Welcome to the Midnight Murder Club, an elite group that asks you to trust your senses and instincts as you’re armed (at the start, at least) with nothing but a flashlight and a revolver in a pitch-black mansion. Pick a mask to hide your identity as you join your friends in a shootout in the dark where choices matter in a game of perception, deception, and shooting skill.


The choice between light and dark is important as the Midnight Murder Club’s members are forced to choose between the safety of darkness and the risk of flicking on their flashlights. Spotting someone else gives crucial information, but if you can see them, that means *they* can see *you*, too. Try to rely on your other senses to navigate the mansion and find your opponents.


Hidden around the mansion are traps, weapons, and other equipment to help you survive the night. Put on a pair of night vision goggles to see in the dark. Don a bulletproof vest to defend against your foes. Immobilize your enemies in a bear trap or light them ablaze with a flamethrower. The variety of items makes every match unique.


What game does the Club have in store for your group tonight? Midnight Murder Club has multiple game modes ranging from the classic free-for-all and team deathmatch to multiple objective-based modes that require more thought and strategy as you explore the secrets hiding inside Wormwood Manor.

What do you think about Midnight Murder Club and does it feel like a fun title to toss into the mix of the many others out there? Will there be matches where we will need to help each other the whole time or will part of the fun be wondering when everyone will turn on each other? How many different weapons will we get in the game and will it only be the few basic guns and knives as the UI indicates here? Fire off those thoughts down in the comments and then feel free to discuss it all as you so wish to do. If we get more for Midnight Murder Club, we will add it to the site for you to see. Please keep on checking back for all of those fun updates and the many others we have coming down the pipeline.

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