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A Rubble Without A Cause Coming In King’s Quest 2nd Episode

A Rubble Without A Cause Coming In King’s Quest 2nd Episode

King's Quest

The second episode of King’s Quest has been teased again only this time we have a date for when we will continue the King’s Quest saga started so long ago

After almost six months of waiting it looks like the second episode of King’s Quest is on its way soon. It is crazy to think that the first episode was released by The Odd Gentlemen back in July and we have all been playing the waiting game since then. But now we can all rest assured that we will see King’s Quest again with new content on December 15th for the PS3 and PS4 then the next day (December 16th) for the Xbox 360, Xbox One, and PC versions of the game. I guess it is time to fire up the last episode of King’s Quest to get back into the mindset we’ll need in two weeks.

If you haven’t had the pleasure of playing the first episode of King’s Quest, you have a PS4, and are current on your PS+ subscription you can give it a go for free as it is one of the free games for the month of December. The rest of you will have to pick it up on your won though. I am guessing that Sierra is hoping that you already have King’s Quest but now some of you have options to get you ready for the second episode to finally get here. Gods it has been one long wait of wonder.

Have a look at the nice teaser for King’s Quest‘s second episode and a brief little description of what is going on in the game’s world. Not so spoilery for those who have yet to play the first episode as it looks like each stands on their own rather well. Just wish we didn’t have to wait as long as we did for more King’s Quest.

King’s Quest — Chapter 2: Rubble Without A Cause

In this latest page in the acclaimed re-imagining of the classic adventure gaming series, King Graham takes players back to his first test as ruler of Daventry. When a band of goblins holds the kingdom hostage, a newly crowned and ill-equipped Graham must lead a daring rescue to free his people and prove himself the leader they deserve. But the choices he makes along the way may have dire consequences for those most counting on him.

Are you happy to see that King’s Quest is finally continuing forward? Do you think that The Odd Gentlemen set a release pattern now and that another six months will have to pass for the third episode? Have you already played the first one? Let us know in the comments below and share your feelings. As we get more for King’s Quest out of Sierra we will have it here for you so be sure to stay tuned into the site for all of those updates as we press on. Hopefully they will come sooner rather than later…

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