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A Tale Of Paper: Refolded Is Hitting A Physical Release Out There

A Tale Of Paper: Refolded Is Hitting A Physical Release Out There

A Tale Of Paper: Refolded

More to experience for A Tale Of Paper is out there with a physical release for A Tale Of Paper: Refolded

It may have taken a bit of time, but we finally have a physical release out there for A Tale Of Paper: Refolded on the PS5. It took quite a bit of time, sure, but SelectaPlay has helped to bring it all to light so more can experience what Open House Games dropped out there a long while back. So, if you skipped out on A Tale Of Paper the first time, or when the Refolded version dropped digitally, then you have one more shot with this version. We know that there are collectors out there who need this version of it all and not just the download taking up space on a hard drive out there. Even if it will be doing some of that while you have the physical disk in hand.

This new version of A Tale Of Paper does not look like it is going to be offering up much else in the mix beyond giving us the physical disk to hold out there. So, there might not need to be a rush out for it all. It is nice for those who do not have the best internet connections, that is for sure, and that is more where I think this is coming in. Even if most games today still require some form of downloading even if the core game is on the disk. That is a whole different discussion to have out there instead, though. For now, we will focus on the fact that A Tale Of Paper: Refolded is out there for us, again, in a physical form. If you want that origami folding fun with some other platforming and puzzles mixed in, then head on down to whatever retailer or online store you buy your games from so you can add it to your list.

A Tale Of Paper: Refolded — Physical Release

Where do dreams go when there is no one left to dream them? Publisher SelectaPlay and developer Open House Games invite you to join them on a magical and emotional journey as the boxed retail version of A Tale Of Paper: Refolded launches today for PlayStation 5 across European and North American specialist retail stores.

Digitally published by Digerati, A Tale Of Paper: Refolded is the remastered version of the award-winning puzzle platformer that tells the story of Line, a magical character made of paper who can use origami to change shape. Transform into a frog, a rocket, a bird, and more as Line embarks on an emotional journey to fulfill the dream of its creator.

Can a dream transcend its owner? Follow the beautiful tale of Line, an endearing character formed from paper, in an atmospheric adventure where challenges and danger are waiting every step of the way.

Experience the story of Line and then embark on three prequel chapters, featuring a different paper protagonist with its own origami shapeshifting abilities and tale to tell.

Key Features:

  • Paper Shape Transformations: Jump high as an origami frog! Turn into a paper plane and soar! Discover seven forms, each with its own pros and cons
  • A Small Hero In A Big World: Overcome challenges, solve puzzles, and escape danger as you journey across beautifully crafted environments
  • A Narrative Without Text: Explore each level and find hidden collectibles to unveil the heartfelt story behind A Tale of Paper
  • Discover Bonus Chapters: Complete the main adventure and unlock three prequel chapters, with a new character, new abilities, and new challenges

The PlayStation 5 boxed version of A Tale Of Paper: Refolded is now available across European and North American retailers.

Will you be getting this version of A Tale Of Paper or did you play it the first and second time it was released already? Would it have been nice to add a few little fun things into the box or is this more for those who cannot reliably download a video game into their home? Will we see this happen for the other platforms or will the teams start focusing on giving us something truly new to experience instead? Float on down to the comment section to discuss all of that and everything else we might have to offer up. If we get anything more for A Tale Of Paper: Refolded, we will add it all here for you. Please keep on checking back in for all of that and everything else we can muster up for you. It should be a good time and we will see you all down the line.

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