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Add To The C.O.D.E. With More Items For Call Of Duty: Modern Warfare III

Add To The C.O.D.E. With More Items For Call Of Duty: Modern Warfare III

Call Of Duty: Modern Warfare III

With the launch of Call Of Duty: Modern Warfare III comes the Call Of Duty Endowment to give back to those that help inspire the games

There is always a lot that goes into making a Call Of Duty and a lot of that comes from the service people who are sent out to try to make the world a better place. Sadly, they do not always get taken care of the best when they make it back and many gamers only get to see the badass moments in games like the one we have from Sledgehammer Games out there. This is why, with the launch of Call Of Duty: Modern Warfare III today, there is a new Endowment program that gamers can buy into. Not only to add more DLC to their game on the PS4, PS5, Xbox One, Xbox Series X|S, and PC, but to also give back to some of those out there who are not taken care of as mentioned. Here is what is going on with the C.O.D.E.

To give to the Call Of Duty Endowment, you just need to pick up the Warrior Pack out there for the game. This gives you all manner of fun little skins and things to add into your game. The bigger aspect to all of this is that the funds you spend on it will be given to a charity that aims to help out all of the veterans out there in the UK and U.S.A. who are unemployed or underemployed so that they can get back into the civilian life out there. What is the point of fighting the good fights if they cannot properly reap the benefits of all of that? This is where we gamers can come in so we can get some fun little extras for out Call Of Duty play while also helping out others. A perfect cycle to things out there. Have a look at what is coming with it all and then be sure to gives some thanks buy picking it all up as soon as it is done playing.

Call Of Duty: Modern Warfare IIICall Of Duty Endowment (C.O.D.E.) Warrior Pack

Support U.S. and U.K. military veterans by purchasing the Call Of Duty Endowment (C.O.D.E.) Warrior Pack for Call Of Duty: Modern Warfare III and Call Of Duty: Warzone. The pack was inspired by and created in close collaboration with Ben, a retired U.S. Navy SEAL.

Purchase the Warrior Pack to unlock the following in-game items immediately in Modern Warfare III and in Season 1 of Call Of Duty: Warzone:

  • “Koa King” Operator Skin
  • “Dethroned” SMG Weapon Blueprint
  • “6-Karat Kicker” Marksman Rifle Weapon Blueprint
  • “Island Styling” Vehicle Skin
  • “Bone Skewer” Weapon Charm
  • “Lion Pride” Animated Emblem
  • “Triple Bone Trident” Weapon Sticker
  • “Rolling Mane” Animated Calling Card
  • 1 Hour 2XP Player Token
  • 1 Hour 2XP Weapon Token

The full purchase price for this special item, less VAT, will be donated to the Call Of Duty Endowment (a charity registered in the USA, EIN: 37-1589072). The Call Of Duty Endowment provides grants to registered U.K. charities and not-for-profits in the U.S. which place unemployed and underemployed veterans in the U.K. and the U.S. into high-quality jobs. By purchasing this pack, you will directly contribute to the Endowment’s mission.

Should we have more things like this linked to our video games and the Call Of Duty titles or should the publishers just make the massive donations anyway? Does this truly help out our veterans in the best way or is it a smart way to get those who do not normally give back to do so? Do you even car and are just looking for more skins to where while pretending to be a badass on your couch? Take all of that and discuss it in the comment section below. There is much more for Call Of Duty: Modern Warfare III yet to come, and we will have it all here for you as it does. Please keep an eye out for all of that and much, much more.

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