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Alien: Rogue Incursion Reveals Another Adventure Coming For Zula Hendricks

Alien: Rogue Incursion Reveals Another Adventure Coming For Zula Hendricks

Alien: Rogue Incursion

Meet the protagonist for Alien: Rogue Incursion who was revealed to be heading back to bring down the Alien pests

Those who were able to make it out for SDCC this year would have had a chance to make it to the bigger showing of Alien: Rogue Incursion that happened out there. A full panel to dive into what this VR title is going to bring to the Meta Quest, Steam VR, and PSVR2 with Survios bringing all of the big guns to the show. Sadly, many are not able to head out there each year and may have missed it. That is where we are going to step in and show off that Alien: Rogue Incursion now has its full protagonist on display and gearing up to tell another massive story. One that will also keep to the comic book theme of things of SDCC with Zula Hendricks taking up the fight in this space when the game launches. I hope you are ready for all of that and to see Zulu in motion again.

The ex-Colonial Marine is coming back in to tell more of the story after kicking things off in the Aliens: Defiance comic and various others over the years. Zulu has trained up and has gone through more rough stuff in life and is ready to be that ultimate Xenomorph hunter in the universe. As long as we are willing to put in the effort to make sure Zulu is as badass as we have seen in all of the writing out there. It is a bit of a role to live up to and we will see how things fully pan out. Have a look at the introduction to Zulu Hendricks for Alien: Rogue Incursion just a little lower down and see how this is going to be a fight like so few others. Not to mention giving us all one more badass lead that is fully fitting for the IP’s full legacy out there.

Alien: Rogue Incursion — Zula Hendricks Reveal

Introducing Zula Hendricks: Fearless ex-Colonial Marine turned ultimate Xenomorph hunter. 💪 Her goal is clear — root out the Xenomorph infestation and take down the corrupt.

Alien: Rogue Incursion is releasing on PS VR2, Meta Quest 3, and PCVR this Holiday.

While I might not be fully up to speed on everything for Zulu from the Alien IP, I do have to admit that they look just as badass as one should be. Not to mention that it will bring more of the extended lore and story out there to a whole new audience who might not be the biggest into comic books. It is also nice to see that we will have someone who will start out a little more capable than most gamers out there and we will have a great explanation of how Zulu can handle multiple of the Xenomorphs at one time. Yeah, this is going to have all the horror and action of the full Alien IP out there and we needed this strong character to help us make it through. I know I will just have to do my best to live up to their abilities while not getting too scared out there.

Have you been fully up on Zulu Hendricks in the Alien comics and books or is this a new character to you? Are you glad to see that the team is leaning into the strong character types that the early films and good video games have done too? Is that going to always be what makes the IP the strongest out there and we should not deviate from that? Let us know those thoughts and more down in the comments. We have more to share for Alien: Rogue Incursion, including interviews with the team and voice talent for the game, so be sure to keep on checking back for all of that. Not to mention all of the other gameplay and visuals we have to come as we get closer to the Holiday season of things out there.

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