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Allison Road’s Kickstarter Has Been Canceled But It’s A Good Thing

Allison Road’s Kickstarter Has Been Canceled But It’s A Good Thing

Allison Road

It was announced today that the Kickstarter for Allison Road has been canceled but it is due to the fact that Allison Road will now have a publisher behind it

It is usually never a good thing when we are talking cancelation in the video game industry but in the case of Allison Road it looks to be a good thing. The game hasn’t been canceled and Lilith Ltd is still working on it but the Kickstarter campaign for Allison Road has been shut down. Not because of anything like Konami getting upset or Hideo Kojima thinking that the game was too much like the one he was working on so long ago. No, in the instance of Allison Road here it is due to the fact that Team17 decided to pick up the costs and pay to publish the game. So good or bad news depending on how you look at it.

Since the Kickstarter campaign was only over 50% or so for Allison Road before now with only ten days to go it didn’t look like the game was going to happen without any real big support out of left field. Technically that is just what has happened only without any of the costs of Allison Road going to Kickstarter and all to Lilith Ltd. If I understand the Kickstarter way all of the funds will be returned to the contributors but none of the cool Allison Road perks will be honored here. Of course, now it is all on Team17 to step up and make sure fans don’t feel left out and hopefully they will do this with the big publisher funds to make up for it all.

This also of course means that there is no longer a worry on if Allison Road will ever come to market or the platforms it will be on either. This is all kind of something that will be set in stone now as the funding for Allison Road is locked in. We just need to hop that Lilith Ltd is left the creative freedom they had before and Allison Road is still made to be what we all wanted and hoped for.

Hi all, we have news!

First some bad news but then some AMAZINGLY good news.

We have decided to withdraw the Kickstarter campaign to allow us to commit 100% to an opportunity that will give us the chance as a team to create the best game possible.

As a newly founded studio, we’ve been completely overwhelmed by your encouragement and huge interest in Allison Road and we’d love to thank each and every one of you for all of the amazing support you have given us during our Kickstarter campaign and beyond. Really incredibly appreciated.

And now the good news, in fact it’s AMAZING news!

We are delighted to announce that we will be joining Team17’s highly successful games label.

If you don’t know who Team17 are, they are most known for their Worms franchise, however, they run a fully independent games label. For us it’s an incredible opportunity to be part of a label that looks after not only such a massive gaming franchise, but also supports developers like Playtonic, Mouldy Toof, and many others.

Working with Team17 will give us the chance to make our game unhindered creatively, but at the same time will give us the resources, support and experience that only a 25 year old studio can give.

For all of you that have pledged already for in game rewards, we absolutely promise you that we will look at ways outside of Kickstarter that will allow you to be involved in the game at a later date.

How do you see this news for Allison Road here? Do you see it as a good thing or as something Lilith Ltd may get screwed on? Did you donate to the Allison Road campaign and now hope that you won’t be left in the lurch for cool things for trying to get the idea up and running? Discuss and comment down below and let everyone know what you think. This does mean that we can look forward to more solid updates for Allison Road as the development cycle pushes on so keep checking back in for all of that as time moves on.

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