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Another 40-Player Star Wars Battlefront Mode Is On The Way

Another 40-Player Star Wars Battlefront Mode Is On The Way

Star Wars Battlefront

A new mode for Star Wars Battlefront, Turning Point, has been announced and is coming with the Star Wars Battlefront DLC The Battle Of Jakku this December

It looks like the Star Wars Battlefront DLC that is coming for free on December 8th (1st for those pre-order gamers) will not only house some new maps for the game but also another 40-player mode. Turning Point is the name and the game that DICE has set up for it here is a control point capture kind of thing for Star Wars Battlefront. Those damned rebels always trying to take what the Empire has built for themselves. So ungrateful and it looks like it is going to be in Star Wars Battlefront for all of those fans looking to get a small taste of Force Awakens before its release as well.

None of the Battle Of Jakku DLC has been too secret until now but this does add yet another huge mode to Star Wars Battlefront. It does sound like a basic control point mode but there also is a timer that players have to face off with as they go. Capturing more points gives you more time to move on to the next one of course and then things get progressively more difficult. I am sure it will be something that all fans of Star Wars Battlefront and Star Wars will have been looking forward to since the Battle Of Endor and those damned Ewoks.

Turning Point is a vast Star Wars Battlefront game mode for 40 players, included in The Battle Of Jakku. This mode portrays the efforts of the Rebel Alliance to defeat the Empire following the Battle of Endor.

Rebels need to locate and capture one of three control points in Imperial control. The clock is ticking, but if the Rebel team succeeds with a capture additional time will be added and new control points will be available for capture. Moving through these increasingly challenging checkpoints, the ultimate goal is the Empire’s base where the final stand will take place.

Turning Point for Star Wars Battlefront will also showcase more on the airspeeders and AT-STs of the game over the other modes so far. It makes sense as you wouldn’t want to allow starfighters and such into a “base capture” kind of event. I mean, you could it would just most likely need in there being one less base in Star Wars Battlefront and a lot more dead and destroyed landscapes in the world. There are already enough of those in Star Wars and we don’t need more…unless it is the Gungan home planet. Then we could use more…

Are you excited to see this new mode in Star Wars Battlefront? Did you pre-order and will be seeing what DICE has cooked up earlier than the rest of the world? Are you hoping for an actual Battle Of Endor map, with Ewoks, to be added into Star Wars Battlefront? Let us know and feel free to discuss in the comments below. EA has already stated that there will be more to come and when it does we will have it for you here. Stay locked in here for more on Star Wars Battlefront as it comes to light.

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