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Another New Character For Street Fighter V Has Leaked Out

Another New Character For Street Fighter V Has Leaked Out

Street Fighter V

Street Fighter V — Laura

Street Fighter V

Some new screenshots for Street Fighter V were released a bit too early and they show off a new character for Street Fighter V from Brazil

Looks like someone pulled the trigger a little too quick for the Street Fighter V news last Thursday as it looks like there were a few screenshots mixed into the Zangief announcement that were not intended. In this case someone over at Famitsu left a batch of screenshots in the mix that show another new character that Capcom has been working on for Street Fighter V. A Brazilian character. A Brazilian character that happens to have a bunch of electricity based attacks. Kind of like a past character that has yet to be announced for Street Fighter V and fans have been hoping for.

The images have since been removed and only Zangief remains for the previous Street Fighter V news but if you look below we have Laura in her glory. That would be said character’s name here in the game. Outside of all of that this is what we have to go on for this latest Street Fighter V character. Everything else is speculation and conjecture here. It will most likely stay this way until Capcom releases an official announcement trailer here or the full roster of Street Fighter V. Whichever comes first I guess.

Based on what I see here Laura here looks like she is possibly the daughter or relation of some sort to Blanka here in Street Fighter V. At least it could be surmised that. That or she could be another character that was just trained by said character and has had her coming out party here in Street Fighter V. It would seem plausible here but like I said we won’t know more until Capcom makes things official here for Street Fighter V and Laura. Hopefully that will not be too far off given the leaked images and all. It would make more sense to get out in front of this but then again…

What do you think of Laura here for Street Fighter V? Does it make sense that she would be somehow related to Blanka be it through blood or just teaching? What do you think here backstory is going to be here in Street Fighter V? Let us know what you think in the comments and discuss away until Capcom gives us all the official word on things. Like I said, hopefully that will not be too far off and soon we will have a full roster of characters for Street Fighter V. Until then keep checking in as we will have all the updates right here and you’ll need to be on top of it.