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Are You All Ready For Rashid To Enter The Fight Of Street Fighter 6

Are You All Ready For Rashid To Enter The Fight Of Street Fighter 6

Street Fighter 6

Another face from the past Street Fighter titles is coming in here soon for the Character Pass of Street Fighter 6

The characters are starting to flow out there for Street Fighter 6 as we head into the Year 1 Character Pass now. A new one is on the way on July 24th that is going to make a huge storm out there in the mix. Well, more of a whirlwind than anything. Here we go with Capcom showing off that Rashid will be making his way back into the Street Fighter IP on the aforementioned date there when the DLC hit the PS4, PS5, Xbox Series X|S, and PC. As long as you are willing to pay for it or have already picked up the Deluxe or Ultimate editions of the game. Then Rashid will be packed right along with it all.

Those that might not remember, Rashid made a big showing in Street Fighter V and is not one of the many legacy characters we have seen hit this new game to date. Rashid brings in a mix of his culture along with using many different wind powers along the way to mix things up for the fights. It does seem a little odd to keep seeing more and more of the magical side of things in the Street Fighter games, but they need to have a way to explain how some of the gameplay works. Even if it would make a little more sense to just have the dust blind and cause other effects in the match and not need full whirlwinds to blow everyone around.

Street Fighter 6 — Rashid Gameplay

Rashid of the Turbulent Wind makes his Street Fighter 6 debut on July 24. With a whirlwind of moves that will send him flying through each fight, Rashid leaves all opponents in the dust.

Rashid will be unlocked for owners of the Year 1 Character Pass on July 24 – by proxy, this also means anyone with the Deluxe or Ultimate Edition!

Street Fighter 6 is now available on PS5, PS4, Xbox Series X|S, and Steam.

Was Rashid one of the Street Fighter characters you were looking to get into the mix of the game again or is it a little surprising to see this one back? Will we ever see a fully new character in the mix of the game or will we have to wait until the next big installment for that? Could we see some of the crossover events bring fighters into this one or could we see guest characters come in as we have in other titles? Fight on down to the comment section and discuss it all. We will share all that we can for Street Fighter 6 still, so please keep on checking in for those updates and many others.

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