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Atomic Heart Offers Up More Of The Story With The MOR-4Y DLC

Atomic Heart Offers Up More Of The Story With The MOR-4Y DLC

Atomic Heart

The next DLC for Atomic Heart is on the way this Winter with Atomic Heart taking us a bit underwater

We are going to get to dive into a new story soon for Atomic Heart with the announcement of the next DLC on the way. I was under the impression that Mundfish had moved on to their next project, but it turns out that they have been trudging away at something new for us in this world. Something new for Atomic Heart that will take us underwater when it hits the PS5, Xbox Series X|S, and PC this Winter. All of which to bring us one step closer to the IP that many have compared this one to since it launched. Even if it does stand quite alone in the setting and fun that it has provided up until now. Let us have a look at what is coming.

To start off with, there is not much added in for this Atomic Heart DLC as of yet beyond the name and that it will be heading underwater where we will have to face off with more of the robots and mysteries that the game has already offered up. Along with a confrontation with the deadly MOR-4Y in the mix of it all. Bringing Atomic Heart that one step closer to BioShock that had us all grasped in the first place. Leaving the release date as Winter does kind of sting as that is quite a bit of time we could wait and into next year too. I am sure that is to let the team do their work while not having to crunch during this time of year, but it would have been nicer to have a month listed for when it could be coming.

Atomic Heart — MOR-4Y

Dive into the new story chapter of Atomic Heart this winter!

DLC#3 will take you not only to familiar locations, but also to completely new ones. Explore an unknown complex that stretches deep underwater. But beware—the abyss hides a mysterious threat, the deadly MOR-4Y…

Atomic Heart is an action-adventure first-person shooter with RPG elements set in the mad utopia of an alternate 1955. In this utopian world of wonders and perfection, humans lived in harmony with their loyal and fervent robots. But with the launch of the latest robot-control system, a large-scale system failure occurred, which led to the unleashing of a technological nightmare at Facility 3826.

In the role of special agent P-3, you will have to fight robots out of control, and also learn the truth behind the rapid progress.

Did you think we were all done with Atomic Heart up until now or did you think we would see many more story DLCs in the mix? Are you glad to be going underwater in this one or does it feel like it is hitting too close to home with the other titles? Will this be the final one before the team moves onto a different game or will we get a lot more story before then? Dive on down to the comments to leave those thoughts and discussion flowing. Once we get more for Atomic Heart or what the team is working on, we will share it all with you here. Please keep on swinging back by to keep up on all of that and every other video game thing that is coming at us out there.

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