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Baldur’s Gate 3 Has Some New Release Dates For Us To Get Ready For

Baldur’s Gate 3 Has Some New Release Dates For Us To Get Ready For

Baldur’s Gate 3

Baldur’s Gate 3 is coming a little bit sooner for some while others are going to have to wait a bit longer for Baldur’s Gate 3

Here we go with one of those good news and bad news updates for everyone as it comes to Baldur’s Gate 3. In a new update from Larian Studios, it looks like we have some updated release dates to mark down for the game. One is a delay, sadly, but another is a massive shift forward for those that want to get their hands on the game sooner. As it all turns out, Baldur’s Gate 3 will now be hitting the PC on August 3rd instead of August 31st. The good news. Those looking to play the game on the PS5, though, are going to have to wait until September 6th to dive into it all. Yep, that is the bad news.

To push on from that, it does sound like the delay for the PS5 version of Baldur’s Gate 3 is for a good reason. The reason being that the team is still working on getting the game to run at the same level as the PC on the console. Specifically, the 60 fps that so many cling to out there now. The game just is not there on the PS5 version and the extra time they are taking with Baldur’s Gate 3 should be able to get them there by delaying that version by just one week. It could be a lot worse and we did not get the generic “more polish” reasoning for the delay. So, I will take that as a win.

In a Community Update, Larian Studios revealed that Baldur’s Gate 3 will release on August 3 on PC – almost a month early – and September 6 on PlayStation 5, just a week later than its previously announced release date of August 31.

In a feature-filled Community Update, Larian reveals many long-awaited details about the content of Baldur’s Gate 3 – from which D&D races and classes will appear in the game, to new playable characters and companions, to a wide array of new character customization options – as well as some staggering statistics about the RPG’s scope.

Larian has pulled these stats to put the scale of Baldur’s Gate 3 into perspective:

  • Containing more dialogue than three times all three Lord of the Rings books combined, the script for Baldur’s Gate 3 contains over 2 million words
  • With over 170 hours of cinematics, twice the length of every season of Game of Thrones combined
  • Seven playable protagonists, each with their own rich stories, personalities, desires, and objectives, as well as a best-in-class character creation system for custom characters
  • Play as one of 11 playable races and 31 subraces, with multiple body types
  • 12 classes and 46 subclasses, compared to Divinity: Original Sin 2’s 10 “schools of spells”
  • Over 600 spells and actions (excluding upcasts), compared to Divinity: Original Sin 2’s 225 player spells and actions

Baldur’s Gate 3 — Release Date

The update given also dives into many other things that will be coming to Baldur’s Gate 3 in terms of character races, classes, and level caps. The level cap looks to be dialed up to 12 so we will have access to more spells in the game. We do not want to get locked out of any of those at all. It looks like we are going to have more options for the Dragonborn subrace and an option for the Half-Orc. Along with the addition of the Monk coming in for the fun of Baldur’s Gate 3. There are many more updates in the list and you can read it all over here.

Are you heartbroken by the delay of Baldur’s Gate 3 or are you on the side of things that will be able to jump in well before the others? Do you think one week will be enough for the team to lock down that frame rate issue or will we have to see it come in a future update? How are you feeling about all of the new options we will have for race and class now? Take to the comment section and then feel free to discuss it all as you so wish to do. More for Baldur’s Gate 3 is on the way to us all, so please keep checking in for all of those updates and many more.

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