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Baldur’s Gate: Dark Alliance Ventures Out Onto The Current Consoles

Baldur’s Gate: Dark Alliance Ventures Out Onto The Current Consoles

Baldur’s Gate: Dark Alliance

Baldur’s Gate: Dark Alliance is getting re-released onto the current and next-gen consoles to bring us all more Baldur’s Gate

It is time for another blast from the past to head out there to us with Baldur’s Gate: Dark Alliance getting a release on the PS4, PS5, Xbox One, Xbox Series X, and Switch here. Most of which happening as you read this text right now with the Switch coming a bit further down the line from May 7th here. Just in case you have been waiting for the chance to get back into the Baldur’s Gate realm without needing to wait for the next huge sequel to land on us all. Just a nice way to re-introduce us all to the classic game and in some 4K settings where available. All with a fast spin up and out there for all of those gamers looking to have a bit more fun out there.

It looks like not much has been altered for Baldur’s Gate: Dark Alliance beyond the visuals that we are going to see here. All of which you are able to see in the following trailer to see how it will all be upgraded and used out there. I have a feeling that this will not look exactly the same on the Switch version once it is fully ready to get out there. It still looks a little dated given how long it has been but the textures and visuals do give us all a new way to play it all. Have a look and see if it will be something to help hold you over until Baldur’s Gate III drops out there. It is something to enjoy and keep us all going just a bit longer, though.

Baldur’s Gate: Dark Alliance — Console Launch

Experience a classic Dungeons & Dragons action role-playing game, as Interplay Entertainment and Wizards of the Coast rerelease the iconic action-RPG Baldur’s Gate: Dark Alliance on Xbox X|S, Nintendo Switch and PlayStation consoles with enhanced graphics; up to 4k on Xbox, PS4 Pro and above.

Will you be heading back into the world of Baldur’s Gate with all of this or will it slide on by for you? Do you think it will be a massive wait for the Switch version to drop on us all or will it be shortly after the date here? Do you think things still look a little dated with the upgrades here or is it a vast upgrade from what we all knew before? Let us all know down in the comments and then feel free to discuss it all if you so wish to do. We will share everything else that we can for Baldur’s Gate: Dark Alliance as it flows out there. Just be sure to keep checking back in for all of that and much, much more as time marches on.

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