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Batman: Return To Arkham May Be Launching In November

Batman: Return To Arkham May Be Launching In November

Batman: Return To Arkham

It looks like the delay of Batman: Return To Arkham may not be as long as most of us feared as sources claim Return To Arkham will be launching in November

While this is still in the realm of speculation it looks like sources close to Batman: Return To Arkham state that we should be seeing the bundle released sometime in November of this year. At least that is what is being reported out there on Rocksteady Games‘ new collection after it was delayed instead of being released tomorrow. That was the original date that we were supposed to see Return To Arkham out there but things didn’t look perfect according to Warner Bros. so it was delayed.

As this all usually goes, there were no names or positions given out as to whom said that Return To Arkham would be coming then or if it wasn’t just a good target date that they are aiming for. This could all be up in the air still but a solid four more months of work does sound about right to get all of the bugs worked out. Especially since the biggest one reported was frame rate which is something you all hold to the highest regards. We could easily see Batman: Return To Arkham held off until next year but I know I’m hoping for a release this year so let this be true…

Sources: Batman: Return to Arkham now due November

Warner Bros.‘ delayed Batman: Return To Arkham is being held back until at least November, multiple sources have told Eurogamer.

Return To Arkham contains Rocksteady Games‘ excellent Batman: Arkham Asylum and its open world follow-up Batman: Arkham City, remastered for PlayStation 4 and Xbox One with all DLC included.

For those who may be behind the times at what awaits us in this bundle, here is the trailer showing off what we could expect here. Both of the titles that never came to the PS4 and Xbox One with all of the DLC that came out. All remastered and hopefully perfected for us when it finally does come to market. Whenever that may be of course…

Batman: Return To Arkham — Madhouse Trailer

Do you want to trust the sources here for Batman: Return To Arkham‘s new release month or is this all hogwash? Do you think that it is more than a graphical issue that held it back or something else? Are you just glad to hear that there is some kind of update for the release date as nothing was stated before? Let us know and feel free to discuss in the comments below. As we get more on Batman: Return To Arkham we will have it here for you so be sure to keep your browser locked in here for all those updates. Also hopefully a solid release date.

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