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Battlefield V Has Been Officially Announced With A Reveal Next Week

Battlefield V Has Been Officially Announced With A Reveal Next Week

Battlefield V

It has been officially revealed that Battlefield V will be the next game in the Battlefield line and we will have a live reveal next week

The headline here kind of says it all, but Battlefield V has been set as the official name for the next entry into the franchise with EA and DICE setting up a live event where the game will be shown off for the first time. I wish there was more to officially state for this reveal, but that is about the extent of what we have been given in terms of details and we will have to wait until May 23rd for Trevor Noah to give us more of the skinny. Him and some of the actual developers for Battlefield V will be giving us those details, but obviously, the larger performer is what they are trying to use as the pull for us fans of the franchise and non-fans of the franchise. Is that not nice?

Outside of what we have above, there really is not much else solid for Battlefield V that can be divulged at this time. Sure, there are the rumors that it will take place during World War II again but that is only rumor for now. The titling we have for the game would lend itself to a push further forward in time as it is given the big V numeral now. That would require us all to ignore all of the other “leaks” that have taken place out there for the game though as WWII is the frontrunner at this time. I guess we will know for certain next week at the very least.

Battlefield V — Live Reveal

Battlefield V — Live Reveal

Battlefield V — Live Reveal

How To Watch The Battlefield V Live Reveal

Battlefield will never be the same. On May 23rd, we’ll unveil your next all-out war journey.

The next chapter of EA DICE’s groundbreaking all-out war saga is Battlefield V.

Tune in on May 23rd for a first look into how your epic journey with Battlefield V will be. On the Battlefield V Live Reveal, the team developing the game will share their vision.

Watch the Battlefield V Reveal hosted by Trevor Noah on May 23rd at 1 PM PDT/4 PM EDT/10 PM CET on Battlefield’s YouTube channel or Battlefield.com.

The livestream will also be featured on Twitch and on Mixer.com.

Prepare for May 23rd. Battlefield will never be the same.

What are you thinking about this big Battlefield V reveal that we have here? Are you at all surprised or did you think that DICE was going to go with a different naming convention for the game? Do you think it will be another WWII title or could they be branching into different wars they have yet to tackle? Let us all know what you are thinking about down in the comments and then feel free to discuss. We will have more on Battlefield V for certain so just keep checking back in on the site for all of that. We at least know we will be hosting the Live Reveal next week, so be sure to come back for that.

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