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Be Prepared To Die In Many Ways Within Tandem: A Tale Of Shadows

Be Prepared To Die In Many Ways Within Tandem: A Tale Of Shadows

Tandem: A Tale Of Shadows

The release for Tandem: A Tale Of Shadows is upon us and we have one last look at what will be needed to make it through in Tandem

The creepiness is flooding out there now, as Tandem: A Tale Of Shadows is launching and asking us all to aim to survive what will be going on in the game. For those not following along for a while, this is the title that Monochrome Paris is offering us all that will have us playing two different characters to make it through various worlds in the game that looks inspired by a few different minds out there. You can see it all and make that assumption if you have not figured it all out. Although, it is worth noting that Tandem does have its name for a reason as we will need both of these characters to work together to use the shadows and light out there to make it on through. All to use the lessons learned in each level to bring down some bigger baddies out there.

Now that we know we can pick up Tandem: A Tale Of Shadows, we have one more quick look at the game to get us further interested in all of it. It does give us a few more levels and elements to see in the game and how Emma and Fenton will work together here. Emma moving things around to make shadows and Fenton used these shadows to walk and jump along the new paths created in the mix. It is dark and interesting, so have a look and see if Tandem will be a title that you are going to be diving into here over the spooky season here. I know I will be at the very least.

Tandem: A Tale Of Shadows — Launch Trailer

Tandem: A Tale Of Shadows is now available on all PC stores, Switch, PlayStation 4, and Xbox One.

In Tandem: A Tale Of Shadows, players will alternate between Emma’s top-down view and Fenton’s horizontal side-scroller view, using the former’s lantern to cast shadows the teddy bear can cross. In turn, the latter can activate switches that may be out of view.

Each of the game’s chapters will introduce fans to new mechanics they must master if they hope to defeat the horrifying monstrosities that await them. As players sink into Tandem’s five strange worlds, they’ll stitch together answers surrounding the vanishment of the Kane family and shed light on the title’s dauntless heroes.

Will you be joining in the fun for Tandem here and will it scratch the itches you might have out there? Do you think this title will have some solid replayability or will it be a one-and-done kind of game? Will this get a full next-gen upgrade down the line or will it stay on the backward play option only for us? Tell us all what you are thinking and expecting down in the comments. If there is anything more for Tandem: A Tale Of Shadows, we will share it all here for you to enjoy. I do hope you are finding all of this useful information and a fun update for all.