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Beam In Some Extended Gameplay Into Your Eyes For Mars Attracts

Beam In Some Extended Gameplay Into Your Eyes For Mars Attracts

Mars Attracts

See more of what Mars Attracts has to offer with even more gameplay to enjoy out there for Mars Attracts

We have dabbled in the past with some of the gameplay for Mars Attracts, and now it seems like we are going to have a little more to dip into here. All to further build up some excitement for when Outlier will be dropping the Early Access for the game on the PC in November. That is not too far off from now, so we will certainly take everything we can to see what we might be able to parse out for Mars Attracts before then. Well, beyond the basics of getting to build an amusement park where we will be keeping all of those terrible humans on the red planet. Both in time and space as it all seems in the newer footage we have to offer up to the world.

Before, we had a chance to see some of the basic layouts that we could put down for Mars Attracts and some of the basic way things were going to be handed out to us. In this new footage, we get to see more of the same but also how we will link various pipes and other elements together to help keep the park up and running. There is also a look at how we are going to falsify the look of the place for the various humans in the various times so they do not try to escape or try to fight back. That looks like an element in Mars Attracts that we are going to have to handle out there too along with the various other Martians trying to push their hierarchy out there too. A lot more to the game than a normal park management kind of game. Have a fun look at it all and get ready for that Early Access to fire off.

Mars Attracts — Extended Gameplay

Mars Attracts is a theme park management sim set in the iconic Mars Attacks universe.

Build rides, hire and train staff, manage guest needs, and most importantly — abduct humans to serve as the star attractions! Craft the perfect park to appeal to your Martian guests, but don’t forget to keep your humans’ needs met too — the hideous enclosed-brained Earthlings can be prone to escape!

Mars Attracts will be released in Early Access on Steam in 2025, and is now accepting applications for the first Alpha Playtest in November 2024.

Are you excited to see all of these extra things in the mix for Mars Attracts or did you only think it was going to be the basics out there? How will these humans survive in the mix and will the probing only be a smaller thing in the grand scheme of it all? Will the higher-ups always come down hard on us all in the game or will that only be when we mess things up to a massive level in the game? Wander on down to the comment section to discuss all of this and anything else we can spot in this new gameplay footage. When Mars Attracts opens up for Early Access, we will add more to the site for you to see and hear. Just be sure to keep on checking back for all of those updates and the many others that are still to come.

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