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Beast Is Ready For Us All To Release Just That In An Early Access

Beast Is Ready For Us All To Release Just That In An Early Access


The Early Access for Beast has been going on and we have one more look at why we need to head out and release this Beast

The Steam Early Access for Beast is fully underway and for those that might have missed out on this one so far, here is your reminder and showing that the game is out there on the PC. This being the tactical turn-based RPG that False Profit has been working on and offering up another dark twist on history out there. At least if you are a fan of Early Access titles and Beast has caught your eye with the various old and new gameplay we have to share with you. Get ready to see what level of darkness this one might hold as we share with you the latest we have been given for the game. It is time to start letting this one out there to ravage a dark world we all live in.

In Beast, we are going back to the time of the Ottoman Empire and taking on the role of an escaped slave. A slave that has made it home after ten years to find everything has changed and now has to set out to make everything right. All while facing some other levels of darkness out there in the world. Although, we only get part of that here, since this is an Early Access, and this version of Beast only gives us two of the main character story arcs and twenty of the missions that we will be able to play in the full game. Standard really when it comes to these kinds of releases, but that should be enough to let us all know if we are going to stick it out for the full release or give up and move on shortly after. The way these things always seem to go out there.

Beast — Early Access

Beast is available now in Steam Early Access. Check out the latest trailer for Beast to see combat and learn more about this tactical turn-based RPG. The first Early Access version of Beast features two main character story arcs spanning over 20 missions, multiple companions, and more.

After escaping ten years of slavery from the Ottoman Empire, protagonist Anton Sabbados returns home to discover everything has changed. Finding no time for solace, Anton is ordered to accept one last mission from Prophet-King Lurius. Struggling with his sanity, Anton sets out with his companions. When antagonist Prince Nicolai learns that Anton has been given a critical mission by his father, King Lurius, the Prince sets out to stop Anton for his own selfish reasons.

I am a little torn on Beast currently, outside of the Early Access of it all, as this game does give that turn-based gameplay I personally love even if the story seems a little basic for my tastes. Granted, my tastes are not those of the masses, so mileage will vary for everyone out there. Beast is also a work in progress, so this one could take a hard and massively positive change over the development and grab some of the outliers like myself. That is one of the benefits of releasing and developing your title in this way. As long as that is the case and the teams are not just looking to get money to keep the lights on while giving a by-the-numbers experience instead.

What do you think about Beast so far and have you been playing the Early Access before now? Could things massively shift along the way or will all of the time be dedicated to fleshing out all of the other missions that are not in this version of the game so far? Would you want a title that gives us a true look at the world during that time or do you like having the other elements mixed in to keep it all engaging? Take to the comment section to discuss all of this and much more along the way for it all. We will share anything else we can for Beast, so please keep an eye on the site for all of those updates. Along with any others we might have to share along the way.

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