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Bethesda Gives Us A Valentine With The Release Date Of The Evil Within

Bethesda Gives Us A Valentine With The Release Date Of The Evil Within

The Evil Within

The Evil Within gets a released date and another awesome Vine video to announce it. Looks like we will have something scary for Halloween.


It seems that it is now confirmed that we are looking at the box art as well. Here’s the tweet to prove it: The Evil Within box art

We finally have a release date for The Evil Within. That and another fun Vine video that seems to be the developer’s favorite way of spreading the word for The Evil Within. Oh, ad in said video it looks like we are getting a look at the box art as well. Or at least that is what is assumed as none of the information I have been given states one way or another. In any instance, here is that video for you too loop through a few times.

Don’t think I forgot by the way. I just wanted to give you a chance to experience the same six seconds as I have before telling you that The Evil Within will be coming to PS3, PS4, Xbox 360, Xbox One, and PC on August 26th 2014. Only a week after my birthday. Happy birthday to me. That is of course the North American release date. For the EU region it will be August 29th 2014.

Either way, evil will be taking hold with The Evil Within sooner than I was expecting. Thanks Tango Gameworks and Bethesda. Now I just have to survive the wait for launch.

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