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Blair Witch Is Almost Here & We Have A Lot To Look At

Blair Witch Is Almost Here & We Have A Lot To Look At

Blair Witch

We have the opening minutes for Blair Witch to take in just before Blair Witch fully launches at the end of this week

This is the week that Blair Witch drops on us all for the Xbox One and PC in one of the shorter release cycles we have seen in a long time. Originally having an announcement during E3 when Bloober Team dropped the bomb on us all, then having a few smaller showings here and there. Now we are almost here at August 30th when Blair Witch hits the ground running to see if the franchise can hold up and keep things ongoing. This is part of the lore of the franchise now, so hopefully, it will. Either way, we have some new gameplay to look at to entice us all a bit more.

As it seems like the thing to do before a game release now, we have the opening minutes of Blair Witch to look at to see just how it is going to hold up. Sadly, it is some of the more boring bit of gameplay we have had, as it is “walking simulator” with a dog. Sure, we get a bit of exposition mixed in, but not all that much to excite us for. That is, until we get to the last minute or so here when it looks like some of the horror Blair Witch could be known for will shine out there. Have a look and see if you are ready to enter the woods of the game and dive into the fear.

Blair Witch — The First 11 Minutes

The opening 11 minutes of the Blair Witch video game where we explore the forest looking for a lost boy.

Does all of this play out about how you expected for Blair Witch or were you hoping for a bit more? Do you suspect the game will be a bit more exciting after these opening minutes or will it all play about the same and leave us wanting something else? How do you think the dog will work in for the other portions of the game and will we need to fight for his survival? Let us have all of those thoughts down in the comments and then discuss. As we find more for Blair Witch, it will be added to the site. Just keep coming back for all of that and much more.

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