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Blindfold Is Making Its Way Over To The PSVR

Blindfold Is Making Its Way Over To The PSVR


The VR title, Blindfold, is making its way to the PSVR platform to give more gamers the experience that Blindfold holds within

If you feel like you were missing out on some of the fun in the VR space in terms of Blindfold, you are in luck as it is now heading to more platforms soon. In fact, it looks like Digerati is bringing the game over the PSVR platform on September 3rd. For those who want to go through the whole process of the experience and see, or not see, what Blindfold has in store for us all. It has been out there for the various PC VR platforms so it is not completely new, but there is still some mystery for those who have missed out thus far.

For those not in the know, Blindfold places us in the infamous Evin Prison in Iran. We will get to go through some scenarios based on the real-life events of others who had to live through it. All through a companion piece to 1979 Revolution: Black Friday. We will be a photojournalist that is enduring a harsh interrogation and need to make it out with some kind of sanity. Blindfold does sound like a weird title to have in the VR space, but with the motion tracking of everything I can see just how well it can fit. Have a small look at what is coming for the game here just below.

Blindfold — Announce Trailer

Step inside Iran’s infamous Evin Prison in this harrowing companion piece to iNK Stories‘ 1979 Revolution: Black Friday. Blindfold places you in the perspective of a photojournalist enduring a harsh interrogation for spreading anti-state propaganda, as the warden Assadollah Lajevardi tests your will. Through nodding or shaking your head, or remaining still and silent, your actions drive an immersive choice-driven story.

Drawing from real-life accounts and historical fact, Blindfold presents a powerful vérité experience that explores the unique storytelling possibilities of VR.

What do you think about Blindfold based on what we have here? Does it look like it will be a fun experience to go through or will it cause so many mental issues for the PSVR crowds now? Have you heard or seen anything for this game before now or was this you first walk into it all? Let us all know down in the comments and then feel free to discuss. If there is more to share for Blindfold, we will share it all here. Just be sure to keep checking back in for all of that and much, much more.

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