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Buckle Up Broseph As The Next Far Cry 5 DLC Is Beaming Us Up Soon

Buckle Up Broseph As The Next Far Cry 5 DLC Is Beaming Us Up Soon

Far Cry 5

The second DLC for Far Cry 5 is close to launch and we will soon all be taking Far Cry 5 to Mars to take on some weird aliens

Get ready to head to Mars in your Far Cry 5 as the next bit of DLC has been given a release date and it is now coming on July 17th for the PS4, Xbox One, and PC versions of the game. So pretty much them all as Ubisoft keeps us locked into playing the game even longer as the Season Pass continues to press on. Especially after taking on the fun of Vietnam in your Far Cry 5 just recently. It all makes sense as it was all announced way back when the game was first launched. Let us focus on the Lost On Mars DLC for now though and not everything else.

Obviously, this DLC is part of the Season Pass for Far Cry 5 and can also be picked up on its own if that is how you wish to roll. If you do so, you will be playing as Nick as he is transported to Mars to help out Hurk stop an alien invasion that could be headed for Earth. You will be doing this with all kinds of new weapons and gear that you can snag from this alien threat. Not only that, but we will also be getting Space Jets to move around the terrain in Far Cry 5 here. Most likely while only on Mar, but it is still something we can all look forward to experiencing when it all launches.

As with all of the DLC for Far Cry 5, the content that is coming here will also be part of the Far Cry Arcade for us to use and craft maps with. All of which will be free for all to use. You just will not fully understand it all unless you pick up the DLC and see how Ubisoft meant for it all to be used. I am guessing that is all part of the tease of handing it out for free for the Arcade use. Not a bad setup or plan I guess.

Far Cry 5 — Lost On Mars

Today, Ubisoft announced Far Cry 5: Lost on Mars, the second post-launch adventure, will release July 17th 2018 on available platforms. Lost on Mars continues the uncanny adventures in the Far Cry 5 Season Pass as players travel to Mars to eradicate an alien threat. Lost on Mars can be purchased as a stand-alone DLC, as part of the season pass or the Gold Edition.

Lost on Mars transports the franchise’s insanity from Hope County to the red planet as Nick Rye is teleported to a hostile planet to help his buddy Hurk thwart an alien invasion of Earth. This adventure gives players a new arsenal of alien weaponry, including the Blaster of Disaster, Hellfire, and Morphinator, while also introducing a new transversal tool with Space Jets. Humankind’s future is in the hands of the game’s most notorious guns-for-hire. Time to squash some bugs!

In addition, all Far Cry 5 players will have access to new Mars-themed assets in Far Cry Arcade, which is available now. Map builders will be able to integrate these assets into their existing maps or create new sci-fi-themed maps. Future content will also include thematic assets that will be added to Far Cry Arcade for free. Those who download the Lost on Mars DLC will also gain access to new weapons — Obliteratorrrr, Taser Phazer Annihilazer, Nerve Reaper, Grape Popper, and Hellfire — to use as they liberate Hope County from the Project at Eden’s Gate.

Are you ready to go to Far Cry 5‘s version of Mars here or are you still hammering your way through the rest of the game and DLC? Do you like how all of the DLC so far has technically taken you out of the core game or were you hoping for something more closely tied to the core game? How are you enjoying that Far Cry Arcade system and will this just add more tools to use? Let us all know down in the comments and then feel free to discuss. For more on Far Cry 5 as it comes, be sure to stick close to the site here. We will keep it all coming at you and you will be glad you stayed on top of it all.

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