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Buckle Up For The Story Leading Up To The Launch Of Call Of Duty: Black Ops 6

Buckle Up For The Story Leading Up To The Launch Of Call Of Duty: Black Ops 6

Call Of Duty: Black Ops 6

Walk through the story of the Call Of Duty: Black Ops line just a bit before the full launch of Call Of Duty: Black Ops 6

There has been quite a lot that has gone down in the story of Call Of Duty: Black Ops, so it would be easy to miss out on parts of it all or to not know specifically what is still going on. We know that and Treyarch knows that. That is why we are back right now before October 25th when the game launches on the PS5, Xbox Series X|S, and PC to dive into the story a bit. At least for those who are interested in the campaign of Call Of Duty: Black Ops 6 and want to see all of the events that are leading to the current state. The current state being 1991 in the alternate timeline that the story has gone down so far.

The short version of it all for Call Of Duty: Black Ops boils down to us being part of a crew from the 80s who are out there to stop a lot of bad humans from doing bad things. A lot of which pulling off missions set forth by the CIA. Some go well and some go poorly. All to lead up to us being part of a team to bring down a drug cartel leader and stop a nuclear attack on the United States. Well, we seemingly do both during the run only to find out the drug cartel leader was not dead and is looking to make one of the protagonists of Call Of Duty suffer just as they suffered. This is where we will find ourselves starting back up after hopefully removing the mole from the CIA. That is the quick and very dirty version of all of that, but you can see the better recap just below or opt to play through all of the campaign missions one more time before this launch.

Call Of Duty: Black Ops 6 — The Story So Far

Buckle up. This story only gets wilder from here 😲

Call Of Duty: Black Ops 6 arrives October 25.

Did you remember all of this for the Call Of Duty: Black Ops story or did you need this bit of a recap to get you ready? How many elements from the past will pop back up in this story and will it lead to us needing one more game in the line? Will our protagonist ever truly get a break or will it all be suffering for the greater good out there? Fire off all of those thoughts in the comment section to discuss all before the game launches. We have more to come for Call Of Duty: Black Ops 6, so please keep on coming back to see and hear about all of that as it comes. I know this story is going to be another fun blast out there and would love to see a full timeline recap at some point.

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