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Call Of Duty: Black Ops 6 Has Us Look In The Dark For The Truth

Call Of Duty: Black Ops 6 Has Us Look In The Dark For The Truth

Call Of Duty: Black Ops 6

The official reveal of Call Of Duty: Black Ops 6 is here so we can all look for what the next Call Of Duty will tell us the truth of

It is coming up on that time of year once again and here we go with the official reveal for Call Of Duty: Black Ops 6. To an extent at least. Here we have the teaser from Treyarch that the game is coming but we are going to have to wait until June 9th to get anything concrete out there. That will be when Activision will show things off during the Xbox Games Showcase and we might see some real gameplay in the mix. However, from the past reveals of Call Of Duty, it could just be another cinematic with very basics announced as that is all they really need to do for this IP at this point. Nonetheless, we have a live-action trailer to announce that the rumors are true and we have to wait a little longer to see it fully.

While that is the basics of it all for Call Of Duty: Black Ops 6 at this point, there does seem to be a little more we can pick up from the trailer and other bits. Like the game will be on Game Pass at launch, since Microsoft did buy the publishers and studios. It also looks like this Call Of Duty title will take place during the Bush era and most like Desert Storm. That is based on the characters we see in the live-action trailer we have below and it would lean further into the whole CIA side of things a bit more. Have a look and see if it is going to tickle your fancy when it does drop out there, most likely later this year.

Call Of Duty: Black Ops 6 — Live Action Reveal

Official lines of communication have begun.

Call Of Duty: Black Ops 6 is confirmed.

Full Reveal Date Confirmed: Xbox Games Showcase, Sunday, June 9th at 10 AM PT. Call Of Duty: Black Ops 6 Direct immediately following. Stay on this channel for further updates.

The bigger question I have for Call Of Duty: Black Ops 6, more than any, is whether this will be a title that comes out on all platforms or will Microsoft hold back for the launch. Sure, it is going to hit Game Pass right away to try and drive sales to its services and systems, but what about the fans who have been along for the ride for decades with Call Of Duty up to now? There is still a massive market for the PlayStation crowd out there and it would seem off to not try to tap that market too. I am sure we will get that kind of announcement in the coming weeks, but it might end up being a staggered release or one where the game definitely favors one system more than another…

Are you excited to see the next Call Of Duty title officially revealed and did you expect anything less? Will it take place during that conflict or will it be some other war that we are running around in? Will there be a same-day release for all platforms or will there be some extra special access since this will be the first to be fully developed by the new business daddy out there? Fire off all of those thoughts and comments below and let the discussion flow. We are going to have all that we can for Call Of Duty: Black Ops 6 on the site, so just be sure to keep on checking in for all of that and much, much more.

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