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Call Of Duty: Vanguard Drops Its Multiplayer Out There In The World

Call Of Duty: Vanguard Drops Its Multiplayer Out There In The World

Call Of Duty: Vanguard

The multiplayer showcase for Call Of Duty: Vanguard is out there and there will be a few things getting some upgrades for Call Of Duty: Vanguard

The campaign has been given its highlight for Call Of Duty: Vanguard, and now it is time to give the highlight over to the multiplayer aspect of it all. That is the one that I know more fans of the IP have been waiting for and with what Sledgehammer Games has to show us, I can kind of understand why. In terms of all of the features coming to the Call Of Duty line and not the horrible aspects that the multiplayer out there usually drives forward. That is the human element and not an issue with the game, but still something that is a bit of a negative for some of us out there. That does not mean that there should not be something to be hyped up over. Now we can get a closer look at it all.

Most of what we get to see is something we have experienced in Call Of Duty up to now but with the knowledge of the twenty maps and advanced weapons we will have at the launch of it all, and in the currently running beta. There is also a new Champion Hill mode coming to it all with the new weapon customizations we can also enjoy to show off everything we have gained over time. It is also interesting to see that this version of Call Of Duty will be adding in a destruction element to the game’s world and levels out there. We have seen some of this in other video games out there, but never in this IP up to now. Now it will be interesting to see how this all plays out and makes the matches feel a bit more random and flowing out there too. Here is the reveal for it all.

Call Of Duty: Vanguard — Multiplayer

Become the original Special Forces in Call Of Duty: Vanguard’s intense, adrenaline-fueled Multiplayer.

  • 20 maps at launch
  • Advanced weapon customization
  • New social & pacing options
  • New Champion Hill mode
  • New Perks, Killstreaks, Equipment, & Upgrades
  • And much more…

If you enjoyed all of that in the mix for Call Of Duty: Vanguard, now you can get a bit more of the explanation to the various things here. We have a longer look at it all and some better details to the levels and the way things are designed. This also includes how Call Of Duty: Vanguard will function on the PC with the various power we will have. This will be great to see with the cross-play coming to the mode too. Kick back and get ready to take in all of the new information in the mix of the multiplayer. If this is the side of it all that you are looking for in the IP this time around too.

Call Of Duty: Vanguard — Multiplayer Reveal

Get all the latest intel on Call Of Duty: Vanguard Multiplayer directly from the developers at Sledgehammer Games.

Tune in for details on Maps, Modes, Weapons, new features, and much more.

Are you excited to jump into the fun that multiplayer can offer in Call Of Duty or will you be going only with the campaign of it all? Do you think we will ever get a fully destructible world out there in a video game or will some structures always need to stay built? What other things do you think we will see for the multiplayer here that we have yet to experience? Give us all of that feedback and more down in the comments, and then feel free to discuss it all. There will be more for Call Of Duty: Vanguard as we head toward November 5th, so be sure to keep checking back in on the site for all of that and everything else we have to offer up.

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