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You Can Only Cross-Buy Resident Evil HD REmaster For A Short Time

You Can Only Cross-Buy Resident Evil HD REmaster For A Short Time

Resident Evil HD REmaster

If you want Resident Evil HD REmaster as a PS3/PS4 cross-buy you better act fast as there is a catch

If you’ve been waffling over which system to pick up Resident Evil HD REmaster, the PS3 or PS4, then Capcom has something to help decide. If you pre-order the game right now you can get it for both systems for the price of just getting it once. Granted it makes sense that you would pick up Resident Evil HD REmaster on the PS4 due to the power that console adds but for those who may still be clinging to the PS3 or just got the PS4 upgrade for the holidays then you can get the game without worry of needing to re-purchase. Although that logic seems a bit flawed; whatever…

Sadly this is only in the North American region for now so sorry to all those outside the region who wanted Resident Evil HD REmaster as a cross buy. It also looks like you are going to be missing out on an exclusive theme for Resident Evil HD REmaster that will come with the pre-order. Not another huge selling point but everyone loves little extras and bonuses. We’ll have to wait just a bit longer to get what this actually is though. At least if you pre-order.

There is no word if this same deal is coming to the Xbox for Resident Evil HD REmaster but we’ll just assume not for now. Or maybe there is something else in the works but the only people who know all of that are not talking as of yet. There are only so many days left before the launch so I guess we’ll see.

Resident Evil HD REmaster — PC Gameplay Footage

Resident Evil HD REmaster

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