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Can’t Wait For Lightning Returns FFXIII? Here’s The Opening Cinematic

Can’t Wait For Lightning Returns FFXIII? Here’s The Opening Cinematic

Lightning Returns Final Fantasy XIII

Man February 11th is so far off for all of us not living in Japan or willing to import Lightning Returns: Final Fantasy XIII. Wouldn’t it be great if we could spoil the opening to the game well in advance of the official launch in Japan? You know it would be and I figured as much so here it is in all of its glory; in English at that. Now we don’t have to wait or have to watch the dubbing/subtitled versions hitting the web shortly after the Japanese launch.

In case you are worried about spoilers or anything, I wouldn’t worry too much unless you are still playing through the first two games in the Final Fantasy XIII storyline. Even then, there really isn’t anything all too spoilerific short of not getting to see the amazing fully rendered scene when you boot the disc for the first time. That is part of the fun of the franchise once it went all 3D back in the FFVII days but it’s not like the stunning visuals will lose anything during a second screening.

So here you go. The first five minutes of opening cinematic for your viewing pleasure. Enjoy.

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