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Check Out The First Assignment For Dying Light

Check Out The First Assignment For Dying Light

Dying Light

New gameplay for Dying Light has been released and it gives more background on the game’s world and overarching story line

There is nothing like spoiling the first bit of a game and now we get to spoil the first “mission” of Dying Light. Well more IGN was allowed to do so as Techland and Warner Bros. can secure completely positive responses from them and not many others out there. Why else do you think the first bit of exclusive Xbox One gameplay went there and not to the social accounts for Dying Light or the companies involved with making and publishing the game? I’m sure that those locations on the web get more traffic but hey, we’re still small beans over here.

None the less we have a nice long look at the beginning of Dying Light. We also get to know that the whole zombie thing is taking a page from 28 Days Later using the whole variation of Rabies thing. Also that there is no cure, yet, but they have a vaccine that will explain off how we can get bit during the gameplay and not just turn and die. Pretty much the average zombie fare when it comes to video games based on the zombie apocalypse that is still all the rage here.

The part that is even more interesting for Dying Light is that you are not only playing as a survivor during the outbreak but you are also an undercover spy or something trying to steal the research they have on a possible cure. This still makes no sense when you look at it as there is someone still making air drop supplies and forcing survivors to fight over them but hey, Dying Light is a game in the end and making sense would not make it a fun one. You’d also think that everyone would try and band together to save the world and not hole themselves up in “safe zones” on the outskirts of the world…

Dying Light — First 15 Minutes

It does look like there is some kind of “Umbrella” kind of thing going on here in Dying Light with this new footage now though. I’m talking about how the above video ends for those who have watched. That doesn’t look like just some normal zombie. Also in Dying Light it has been fully explained that the really dangerous versions of the basic zombies only come out after sundown. That thing was not a mindless roamer but a giant hulk on a mission. A mission to crush your head with a huge sledgehammer of sorts. Please don’t go the Resident Evil path Dying Light…please…

I’m still hopeful and excited for Dying Light even with all of the weirdness and comparisons in the game world though. The developers did make one of my favorite zombie killing games in the past and even if nothing else makes sense in Dying Light just being able to spin up a crazy Mirror’s Edge style killing romp of walkers should be worth the price of admission. That only requires the gameplay to be amazing and nothing else.

Dying Light