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Check Out The Sick Abilities Call Of Duty: Black Ops 3 Gives With Cybercore

Check Out The Sick Abilities Call Of Duty: Black Ops 3 Gives With Cybercore

Call Of Duty: Black Ops 3

A new video for Call Of Duty: Black Ops 3 shows off the Cybercore abilities in the Chaos tree just so we can see how we will be taking enemies out in Black Ops 3

We all know one of the themes in Call Of Duty: Black Ops 3 is the cyber-modifications that our protagonists and their antagonist will have gone through or continue to go through in the game. Treyarch has been very forthcoming with all of that as part of the theme for Black Ops 3. We’ve seen some of these enhancements used in the past but with the most recent video that Activision has let loose on the world we get a better feel for all of the new abilities we will get in Black Ops 3 here. Given how they are all named I am assuming that each different soldier class will get a different set of core abilities to take everyone down in the game.

First up here for Black Ops 3 we have a nice look at the Cybercore abilities in the Chaos tree. Presumably named due to the levels of chaos and confusion the abilities here will wreak on anyone on the receiving end here. By receiving end it could be anything from extra faux-enemies appearing on the sensors and mini-map to having all of the explosives being carried instantaneously exploding and taking out everyone around you. That will put quite a twist on Call Of Duty: Black Ops 3‘s gameplay here now won’t it Treyarch? I guess that would be the point of it all.

The video we spoke of is just a bit further down and there you can see how all of the abilities here come into play in Black Ops 3. We’ve listed them all out for you as well to give you an overview here but I’ll have to say that using a virtual “Sick Stick” on everyone in the area has to be my personal favorite addition here to the Call Of Duty franchise. Way cooler than having taser-hands. I can’t stop laughing at the fun Treyarch has now provided me in the form of this ability and can’t wait to unleash it on people in Black Ops 3.

  • Mass Overload — Temporarily blind and deafen human combatants.
  • Adaptive Immolation — Burst a Robot into flames. Set off all explosives carried by an enemy.
  • Firefly Swarm — Release strobing nano-bots to blind enemies and Firefly bots to burn them.
  • Enhanced Sonic A.P. — Incapacitate enemies with focused sonic wave weapon.
  • Enhanced Cacophony — Detonate Fuel, Power, and Electrical containers.
  • Wide-Area Misdirect — Spoofs decoy targets on enemy combat sensors in a wide area.

Call Of Duty: Black Ops 3 — Cybercore: Chaos

There is our first look at the Call Of Duty: Black Ops 3 Cybercore: Chaos tools we will have at our disposal; so what do you think? Were you as tickled pick as I with the Enhanced Sonic A.P. weapon Treyarch is giving us here in Black Ops 3? Do you see these abilities leading to an easier game or a tougher one as they should be able to be used against you as well? Do you think we will be the only ones using said abilities thus turning us into “super men?” Let us know your thoughts down in the comments and discuss away. Activision most likely has more of these to come for Call Of Duty: Black Ops 3 and as they do we will have everything updated right here just for you.

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