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Chernobylite Brings New Gameplay To Show Off Its Features

Chernobylite Brings New Gameplay To Show Off Its Features


As Chernobylite’s Kickstarter keeps rolling, we have new gameplay for Chernobylite to highlight many of the game’s features and environments

It looks like the Kickstarter for Chernobylite is going strong and there is still plenty of time to get in on everything before it launches. Not the biggest of shocks out there given what The Farm 51 has shown to the world thus far and all of the other hype behind the game. I know I am already throwing down for Chernobylite and spreading the word, outside of here on the site, but there is still more to go. This is why we are back yet again with that reminder but also a whole lot of new gameplay for the game to show off the various mechanics and where it all sits. At least in terms of the Kickstarter Demo that is out there and showing off everything in its very early stages.

Get ready to kick back and spend some time here with Chernobylite, as this new footage is close to a half hour long and dives into all of the game’s selling point. The survival and scavenging, stealth, gunplay, and horror are all here in this new video. Something that is rough-cut from the hour to two-hour long demo out there for Chernobylite. Even in an early state, it looks impressive but you can throw down some cash now to not only support the project but get a taste of what is to come with the full demo. Have a look and see if it will be worth at least the $15 USD to gain that entry. I think it is at the very least.

Chernobylite — Kickstarter Demo Gameplay

The long-awaited moment has come. Here we go with the raw, unprocessed gameplay from our pre-alpha demo. We made some cuts because the demo is very long (avg. playing time is 1-2 hours) and we wanted to highlight the most important features, not necessarily showing the whole playthrough.

The Kickstarter campaign for Chernobylite started just a week ago, and 50% of the goal has been reached in just two days with current pledges at over $86,000 out of the $100,000 funding goal. However, The Farm 51 developers still need gamers’ support in order to revisit the site with their Reality 51 3D scanning technology and achieve the most accurate reconstruction of the entire Chernobyl area including the destroyed Chernobyl Nuclear Power Plant. The campaign can be supported here.

Do you have any new thoughts on Chernobylite after seeing all of this new footage out there? Have you thrown down the cash to gain access to the demo or will you be sticking with the gameplay videos for now? Do you think this game is taking aspects of other games in its vein and improving on things or just trying to spin it in a different way? Let us all know down in the comments and then feel free to discuss. We will have more for Chernobylite and all you have to do is stick around here to see it. It really is just that simple.

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