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Chernobylite Has A Gameplay Tease Just Before Things Kick Off

Chernobylite Has A Gameplay Tease Just Before Things Kick Off


The first gameplay for Chernobylite is here to get us all ready to help fund more of Chernobylite through an upcoming Kickstarter

We had a few things for Chernobylite in the past and now is the time we have a small taste of gameplay just as GDC comes to a close. It also is here to mark the fact that The Farm 51 will be looking for some additional funds to get the game completed and out to us as they are getting the Kickstarter campaign wheels rolling. Thankfully, this will be to add in extra things for Chernobylite while offering up extras for soon-to-be fans and not something that will make or break the game at this point. That is still a bit off, so we cannot go too deep into what that will entail. Just know that it is coming and you should be on the lookout for it.

Now we can move onto the actual gameplay we have here for Chernobylite in all of its thirty-second glory. Yes, it is a short clip that gives truly little to go on other than a look at the horrors we will be surviving and how some of the other more basic mechanics will work. There is quite a bit to think about when it comes to recreating a game like this based around the Chernobyl Nuclear Power Plant incident, so I expect to see more in the near future. At least we have some of the NPCs, enemies, and other mechanics of Chernobylite to see and speculate on. Like the crafting system and how we will need to keep our sanity while surviving the location. Have a look for yourself.

Chernobylite — Kickstarter Announcement

Hey stalkers!

It’s time to share something special and important, both for you and for us. Having all the feedback we got from you after our teasers and making-ofs, we figured out that everybody wants the same: to explore the destroyed Chernobyl Nuclear Power Plant and Pripyat ghost city as deeply as it’s possible.

Then we decided to expand these locations in the game comparing to the original concept and ask you for help in doing that. It’s a hard and dangerous task, assuming that we need to make some extra trips to the Exclusion Zone and scan more buildings and objects.

Within the next few weeks, we’ll be starting the Kickstarter campaign. It’ll let you pre-order the game and buy many cool gifts, including our highly demanded Black Stalker mask, and will let us collect some extra funds to do the Chernobylite location expansions plus add some extra features that we were always dreaming of.

What do you think about the little we have to see here for Chernobylite and does it keep your interest alive? Do you think the sanity portion will play out in a larger role than little scenes like we have here or will it stick to the cinematic forms of the story? Will you be one of the first to throw money at the Kickstarter or will you need to see more before you make that choice? Let us all know down in the comments and then feel free to discuss. When we have more to share for Chernobylite, we will indeed share it all here. Just be sure to keep checking back in for all of that as we head on to the future.

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