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Children Of The Sun Offers Up A Bit More Of The Gameplay Overview

Children Of The Sun Offers Up A Bit More Of The Gameplay Overview

Children Of The Sun

A new look at the gameplay for Children Of The Sun as we gear up to bring down the cult in Children Of The Sun next month

Last week, we found out that Children Of The Sun was hitting the PC on April 9th. Now that we have had a week to process that and the release is getting closer, it is time to look at the gameplay and see just what we will experience in the game. At least experience beyond what we already know Children Of The Sun is going to all be about. It is a title where we will be hunting down cultists and to do that we will have to snipe them and get them all in one shot. That does sound like something truly impossible, but now, we get to see just how we will pull that all off and how Devolver Digital might have another sleeper hit to add to their lists.

You can see it in action below for Children Of The Sun, but the short version is that after each target is hit, we get to take aim and move to the next. There is an optimal path to go through and some will require special skills to take down. Like the shield and armored enemies will need us to have the ability to speed up the bullet to make it through. These will be things we pick up with the perfect shots on other enemies out there. If that does not seem to work, though, Children Of The Sun does also give the option to hit gas tanks and cars for explosions to take out many enemies at once. Have a look and see how you might be curving your magic bullet.

Children Of The Sun — Gameplay Overview

Sneak a peek into never-before-seen footage of Children Of The Sun and find out how to plan and execute your revenge as you dismantle the Cult once and for all.

On a deadly road trip into darkness, control the path of a single bullet and unleash a fury of vengeance on the sinister cult that ruined your life in this tactical puzzle-shooter.

Launching April 9th on Steam.

I was under the impression, before, that Children Of The Sun was going to be more of a Hitman style of thing where we needed to make sure we did not alert others on the map. Now, and a bit of a great thing, it just looks like it will be more about planning the path so we can get around the map as well as hit the targets in the correct order. It does look like we might be able to slightly move the bullet mid-flight too. A nice little feature if we need to get around some armor in Children Of The Sun but missed the headshot on the enemy that would allow for that to happen. Now that we know all this, it does paint the game in a much better light for me. Bring on April 9th already!

Is this how you expect the gameplay for Children Of The Sun to play out or did you think it was going to be closer to Hitman? Will we lose a level if we hit a wall or do not find the best path for the bullet to go? Will we be able to take other shots if needed and just watch our global ranking drop for it? Head down to the comment section to let us know what you think and then feel free to discuss it all. there is going to be more for Children Of The Sun very soon, so please come back and see all of that as it gets ready to fire off out there.

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