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Climb Your Way Into Some New Gameplay We Have For Jusant

Climb Your Way Into Some New Gameplay We Have For Jusant


There is some new gameplay for Jusant out there along with the release date announcement for Jusant in October

It was not that long ago that we had a little more for Jusant out there to get us all ready to climb again. Now, just out of Gamescom 2023, we have just a bit more for the game from DON’T NOD as we gear up to see how it will all flow on the PS5, Xbox Series X|S, and PC when it launches. A release date we now have for Jusant with the game landing on October 31st of this year. Not the title I would expect to see drop on Halloween out there, but that is the release date we have for it all now. I will take it, even if it does bloat up the month with one more video game for us all to look out for. October is going to be filled.

This new gameplay for Jusant takes us all on various other climbs we have not seen yet with our main character. Some icy, some rocky, and some just filled with all manner of vegetation for us to grab onto. If we are not just anchoring in on the wall from past climbers out there. That is how it looks like some of these have gone down in the past with others trying to solve the puzzles in the world and most likely failing. What failing in Jusant means is still up for interpretation, but with the game being a game for everyone, I do not think we are going to see anyone falling to their doom in this one. At least not in any massive way out there.

Jusant — Gameplay

Jusant is DON’T NOD’s highly anticipated action-puzzle climber, out on October 31st, 2023, on Steam, Xbox Series X|S, and PlayStation 5. Play it on day one with Xbox Game Pass. Watch this new gameplay trailer to see more climbing, more biomes, and more breathtaking environments.

It is interesting to see that Jusant will need us to actually tie off on certain points of the climb, though. It does not look automatic and it makes me curious to see if we will be able to go about these puzzles untethered out there. That could be a bit of fun and add an extra challenge to it all, but I think the game’s rating will force us into always needing to be tethered to something so we do not see a grim demise out there. It would be the only way that Jusant could keep that rating. I can just see trophies or achievements being tied to doing some of the climbs without a rope to add a bit of extra danger to it all. That is just how I would have gone about it, though.

Are you still excited to see what Jusant is going to have in the mix for us or will it be a game you will only try as part of your online subscriptions? Will we be able to do some climbs without the proper tethers or will it be automatic in the game? How tricky do you think some of the puzzles in the game will be given the rating or will that only be to indicate that we will not have any hyperviolence in the game in general? Climb on into the comment section there and let us all know what is on your mind for this one. If we have more to share for Jusant, we will share it all here. Please keep on coming back for more of this content and everything else we can share with the world out there.

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