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Code Vein Has Some New Gameplay Out Of This Year’s Anime Expo

Code Vein Has Some New Gameplay Out Of This Year’s Anime Expo

Code Vein

If you wanted more gameplay for Code Vein, then you’ll be happy to know that Code Vein just received a bit more fresh from this year’s Anime Expo

Not long ago we had the announcement of Code Vein to be heading to the PS4, Xbox One, and PC sometime in 2018. It flew under a whole lot of radars out there, including ours, but now that the Anime Expo has kicked off and just about to wrap for this year, it looks like Bandai Namco took the opportunity to show off a bit more gameplay for the game out there. It makes sense as Code Vein is being labeled an Anime version of a Dark Souls title. The gameplay sure highlights that as well as the basic art and story that has already been seen since the first announcement. Like I said, it makes sense that it had another showing here as well as out at E3 and such.

You can have a look at the new gameplay for Code Vein just below although I will say it looks more like B-Roll than anything. It also really fits into the crazy dungeon crawler as that is all we get to see here in the gameplay as it is a lone “adventurer” running around and killing something that looks pulled from H.P. Lovecraft and such. At least we can see that the gameplay mechanics and skills for Code Vein are being pulled from the other titles like it although I never saw a “You Died” screen or section. Have a look for yourself and then get excited to wait until we get more. I’m sure that the wait will be a little less painful than the difficulty of the actual game here.

Code Vein — Gameplay Trailer

In the not too distant future, a mysterious disaster has brought collapse to the world as we know it. Towering skyscrapers, once symbols of prosperity, are now lifeless graves of humanity’s past pierced by the Thorns of Judgment. At the center of the destruction lies a hidden society of Revenants called Vein. This final stronghold is where the remaining few fight to survive, blessed with Gifts of power in exchange for their memories and a thirst for blood. Give into the bloodlust fully and risk becoming one of the Lost, fiendish ghouls devoid of any remaining humanity. Wandering aimlessly in search of blood, the Lost will stop at nothing to satisfy their hunger. Team up and embark on a journey to the ends of hell to unlock your past and escape your living nightmare in Code Vein.

• Unite to Survive — Featuring a story driven connected dungeon experience, dive into the world of Code Vein. Create your own character and choose your partner as you venture out into a world of destruction, overrun by the Lost. Use your combined strength to coordinate your approach and defend each other from surprise attacks or overpowered enemies using your Blood Veil and various weapons. Change the feel of the game depending on which partner you choose, each with their own combat style and background story.

• Beneath the Veil — Experience the power of blood as you use unique Blood Veils to drain your enemies to enhance your abilities. Using “Gifts” powered by enemy blood, players can increase their strength, weaken enemies, and utilize new weapon abilities and overpowered attacks.

• Great Challenge Brings Greater Rewards — Take on the Lost as you explore the malefic world of Code Vein. Choose from a myriad of weapons such as bayonets, axes and spears, to accommodate your favorite battle style. Apply strategy in your attacks through partnered coordination and Blood Veil enhancements, ready to bring down the most threatening enemies.

While it may not be present here in the Code Vein gameplay, one of the key features of the game that Bandai Namco will be bringing is the ability to team up with other players for the story here. Also to make it all a bit easier as you head through and drain your enemies to boost your own powers. It sounds like a Legacy Of Kain kind of thing but not a whole lot of detail there. Just that you can do it all while teamed up and playing through the core game. That should be a bit nice.

What was your takeaway on the new bit of gameplay here for Code Vein? Do you think it looks like it will focus more on the anime aspect of it all or will it just be a nice dressing over the basic gameplay from all of the other games in this genre? Doesn’t the “leveling” or “powering” system sound a bit like others but different enough to make it seem like it could be a drawback? Let us and the world know your thoughts down in the comments and then discuss if you wish. If we learn more for Code Vein, we will have it here for you on the site. Hopefully we’ll have even more gameplay to help sell us all on why we should punish ourselves in 2018.

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