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Compare Some Of The Gameplay Coming For Diablo II Resurrected

Compare Some Of The Gameplay Coming For Diablo II Resurrected

Diablo II Resurrected

Some new gameplay for Diablo II Resurrected is out there from the alpha and it shows off how it has been upgraded from Diablo II original

With some of the more recent remasters and upgrades we have seen for some older titles; it can be understood why some gamers out there might be a little worried for Diablo II Resurrected. It is a remaster of one of the more beloved titles that Blizzard has put out there and they have not fully shown they can be the masters at this form of gaming too. That is why I am glad to be able to offer up some new alpha gameplay that we have out there that shows off how this version will be standing out over the original Diablo II in terms of visuals and other basic mechanics. Sure, we might not be able to get the 4K visuals on all of the platforms it is heading to, but all of them will be a vast upgrade from what we all remember the game looking like before.

As anyone out there should have expected, the visuals for Diablo II Resurrected are a vast improvement over the previous version. The characters and monsters are all vastly smoother in design and the particle effects and other magical elements are a massive improvement. All of which done while keeping the basics that worked well for Diablo II before intact. That is at least based on these new videos we have to take in. Obviously, they are all running at something vastly higher than most average gamers will have out there but it should not take the next-gen and beefiest rigs to run this game at similar levels. It is all in alpha still too, so things could be a bit more optimized as we get closer to the launch, and maybe even the Switch will have something just as close too.

Diablo II Resurrected — Gameplay & Comparison Sorceress #1

Diablo II Resurrected — Gameplay & Comparison Sorceress #2

Are you placing a whole lot of faith into this version of Diablo II or will you be holding off given some of the other remasters in the past? Do you think this will stay the same across all of the platforms that can pump out the resolutions or will it feel downgraded on other platforms? Did you expect there to be a whole lot of changes to hit out there for this one or is this how a remaster should be handled? Let us all know down in the comments and then feel free to discuss it all as you wish. If there is more for Diablo II Resurrected, we will share it all here. Please keep checking back for all of that and much more out there.

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