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Control Takes Us Behind The Sounds Of The Game Now

Control Takes Us Behind The Sounds Of The Game Now


A new developer diary for Control is here and takes us behind how the sounds of Control have been put together and will always feel new

Slowly, but surely, we are getting new information for Control to give us a better idea of what to expect in the game. We have been getting developer diaries for a while now, but none of them have really done a deep dive into what Remedy will have for us when August 27th rolls around. Not exactly at least. We have had a good insight into how Control is being made, and here we are again with more on that and less on the how it will actually play side of things. All about the stellar audio effects we will have in the game. Get your headphones ready to hear some new stuff for the game…

Yes, this latest one will go into the audio design for Control and the tricks and tactics the team has used to make sure everything in the game sounds as authentic as possible. More so given how the powers used in the game will be centered around altering kinetic energies and that can cause all kinds of resonance in things. The vibration of glass and creaking of wood being the bigger points made here, but it does sound like we will have yet another immersive experience with Control. It is hard to capture this one in words, so I will just let you at it to watch the latest diary out there for us all. Have look and enjoy.

Control — Dev Diary 07 — Behind The Sounds

Behind The Sounds is our 7th Dev Diary where the music composers of Control, Martin Stig Andersen and Petri Alanko along with Ville Sorsa (Senior Sound designer) discuss the magic and craftsmanship behind Control’s sound approach.

Do you hear all the small things in Control here or will you need to experience it first hand before you can pass judgment? Do you like the use of a progressive style of system in the game or would it be nice to have some kind of repetition to prepare us for what is coming in the game? Did you hear everything that they were mentioning here or is it hard with the voice-overs? Let us all know down in the comments and discuss. For more on Control, be sure to keep checking in here. We will have all that we can for it as we head toward the release date.

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