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Control Will Be Using Some New Tech For Better Immersion

Control Will Be Using Some New Tech For Better Immersion


A new video for Control is here and it shows us how the game will leverage some new tech from NVidia to make the world of Control feel ‘realer’

We are still waiting for some new gameplay details for Control and what we have here is not much in the way of that. What we do have here today is a small look at how Remedy will be using some new technology to help further the realism of the game’s world and in turn increase the immersion of it all. At least that is the hope and it does look like they are on their way to do that with Control given the new ray-tracing and illumination effects we have to look at here. At least on the PC side of it all as there is no word on how this will translate over to the PS4 and Xbox One side of things, if at all. I guess we can hope…

As you will see below, The Old House looks to be the larger focus here as they aim to grab the perfect reflections and lighting for Control. Something that should be easy to be able to spot as the teams are aiming to recreate a modern building with all of the usual things they can use to reference and build from. From there they can use the same tech and practices to give the enemies and other beings in Control the same feel of realism. As they should want to do. I will not bore you with more of the tech side of things and let you have a look at the new video showcasing what they are aiming for here and have already achieved. At least for those who have the hardware to run it all.

Control — Nvidia RTX Demo Showcase

Control will be one of the first games to support the Nvidia RTX GPUs. We’ve added ray-tracing to Control, starting with glossy Ray Traced Reflections, Ray Traced Diffuse Global Illumination and Contact Shadows for most influential light sources.

The Bureau’s glossy office environments are a perfect showcase for Global Illumination and Reflections, enabling the realistic reflection of floors, walls, and furniture, elevating image quality and immersion. And as raytraced reflections are based on the exact geometric detail and dynamic lighting of a scene, expect to see Control’s supernatural enemies and action fully reflected at a level of quality that was previously unobtainable.

With Ray-Traced Diffuse Global Illumination, we are able to enhance our existing Global Illumination system to deliver more accurate details, and also include lighting from dynamic light sources reflected from nearby surfaces in real time. As a result, even the smallest geometric details in a scene influence the indirect illumination with superior results.

And finally, we’ve utilized ray-traced contact shadowing to enhance non-RT shadows cast from lights with the highest intensity. By combining the two techniques, a scene’s most predominant shadows can be rendered at a higher level of detail than was previously possible. Additionally, ray-tracing enables rendering of accurate contact shadows from shadow casters outside of the camera’s field of view, enhancing immersion as the camera moves through the scene.

What do you think about this for Control here? Does it look much different from the other looks we have already had or can you see the true difference running the newer tech than we have seen in the past? How do you think, if at all, this will translate over to the other platforms or will it be the purview of the PC master race only? Let us all discuss down in the comments. When there is more to share for Control, we will have it here. Just keep checking back in on the site to make sure you have a chance to see it all.

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