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Crysis Remastered Offers Up Some 8K Visuals This Week

Crysis Remastered Offers Up Some 8K Visuals This Week

Crysis Remastered

An official tech trailer for Crysis Remastered compares the old Crysis to the remaster with its 8K resolutions available

There was a bit of a tease before for us to see how far the visuals for Crysis Remastered have gone, and now we are back with one more just before it launches on the 18th. Well, launches on the PS4, Xbox One, and PC then and with all of the upgrades we could expect out of Crytek for the remaster. One of which being the upgraded graphics and resolution to make Crysis even more of a powerhouse than we thought. This time with some sweet 8K visuals that not so many gamers out there will be able to enjoy right out of the box. At least we have a new video to see if you can right now.

These new textures and visual systems for Crysis also include a bit more for the ray tracing, global illumination (SVOGI), rippling caustics, enhanced particle and explosion effects among a few others. Even the video we have here is pumping out some visuals at some of the higher-end that some systems may not be able to process. It is nice to see and all, but I am not sure who is all going to be in the market to see all of this in the current state of things. Sure, there will be some out there that will have systems and screens that can but the masses are going to be left out. Kind of as it was the case when Crysis first dropped on the world. Maybe this is a way for us all to have the truly full experience as we did the first time around.

Crysis Remastered — 8K Tech Trailer

Here is the official Tech Trailer for Crysis Remastered — rendered natively in 8K resolution!

Only a few days left — Crysis Remastered is coming to PC, PS4 and Xbox One on 18th September 2020.

The game is upgraded with high-quality textures up to 8K resolution, Global Illumination (SVOGI), state-of-the-art depth of field, new light settings, motion blur, Ray tracing — for the first time on consoles — and much more for a major visual upgrade.

How are you feeling about the relaunch of Crysis and will you be joining in on it all? Were you able to see all of the high-end visuals here in the video or will you need to make some upgrades to even see that? Is this, more or less, going to give us that same experience from before where many gamers will not be able to run the game at its best due to hardware restrictions? Let us all have it down in the comments and then feel free to discuss it all. If there is more for Crysis Remastered, we will add it all to the site for you. Just be sure to keep checking in for all of that and much more.

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