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Dark Atlas: Infernum Reveals A Little More Of The Story With Some Gameplay

Dark Atlas: Infernum Reveals A Little More Of The Story With Some Gameplay

Dark Atlas: Infernum

Head deeper into the story for Dark Atlas: Infernum with the latest showcase we have for this Dark Atlas title that is on the way

Those looking for a little more darkness in life can get excited about what is out there for Dark Atlas: Infernum now. A new little bit for the game has been offered up by Night Council Studio and SelectaPlay that will take us a little further into the darkness the game is going to give us. Right as we are about to head into the darker parts of the year for the northern hemisphere of the real world. Along with the fact that if this tickles the correct fancies out there, you can also give a new demo for Dark Atlas: Infernum a play and see if it will mirror what is going on in the real world or give you another fun escape into a fantasy away from all of the troubles out there. Let us have a look at the latest for the game.

In this new look at Dark Atlas: Infernum, we get a few more of the locations we will be wandering about in the story as well as a bit of a step into the abyss between our soul and a path to Hell. There is a whole lot of walking around in this little video as well as a few jump scares in the mix too. Not anything that will truly spoil much for Dark Atlas: Infernum if you are going to hold out until the full release of the game in 2025, so you should be good to go. Again, though, if that is not a bother for you at all, you can pick up a PC demo of the game as soon as you are done reading this and give it all a play. Have a quick look at the basics that we have to share here for the game and get ready to head into some new depths out there for our fears. That or make someone else take those steps down and freak out on their own too.

Dark Atlas: Infernum — New Showcase

The new trailer reveals more story threads and some of the terrifying locations horror fans will get to explore when Dark Atlas: Infernum launches. For anyone looking to traverse the abyss between the soul and the path to hell, a bone-chilling PC Demo is available to download now via Steam. Explore a terrifying world steeped in psychological horror, stealth, and puzzles as you unravel the dark secrets of the ghostly entities known as imprints and discover the horror that awaits.

Out there, the world is falling apart. Massive electrical storms have begun to sweep across the Earth. After each passing, little by little, the streets are filled with ghosts. Scientists and sorcerers of our time have decided to call them “Imprints”. They look like our dead but don’t react to any stimuli. They are entities contemplating the night of the cities. And the nations are burning.

Your destiny, however, is to escape from a nightmare in which the ‘Word’ is perpetually harassing you through your memories, the ruins of civilization, the nether abysses of your soul, and hell itself. It is time to face the questions and the consequences of your actions. You must fight against the captivity you have been subjected to for telling the truth. Because endless threads hang from your knowledge.

You can’t waste any more time. You must react and find the exit because you are in a labyrinth of crossroads. Outside, the skies crumble. Great forces are consolidating to seize power in the spectral world. They want to use them as instruments of desolation. They want you to tell them how to forge the holy book: the Corona Radiata.


  • Single-player, first-person survival horror with a dark, disturbing narrative.
  • Gameplay is steeped in psychological horror, stealth, and puzzles.
  • Strong narrative content: an original story from the Saga Radiata, the literary universe created by Álvaro Aparicio that includes books, podcasts, and other narrative formats, and in which the meta-anthology of horror Dark Atlas is integrated.
  • The cast of voices in Spanish is led by Alberto “Láudano” Martínez, the voice of the popular Spanish podcast Noviembre Nocturno.
  • A haunting original soundtrack composed to accompany the dark narrative.
  • Includes original collectibles and Steam Achievements, so you’ll want to explore every corner…if you dare.

Dark Atlas: Infernum will be released on PC via Steam, PlayStation, and Xbox consoles in 2025.

Will you be jumping into the darkness of Dark Atlas: Infernum with the demo out there or will you hold out for the full release of the game out there? Do you think there will be more than just wandering around in the game or will this be another horror walking simulation? When do you think all of these new fears will come about out there in the world and it will it be early in the year? Offer up all of those thoughts in the comment section and then feel free to keep the discussion flowing. We will have more for Dark Atlas: Infernum as we get into the next year, so please keep on coming back here. I am sure you will enjoy it all and have some new fears unlocked as our video games dive deeper into all of the darkness that can be offered up out there.

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