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DarKnot Will Be Dragging Us All Into A Horrible World With An Early Access

DarKnot Will Be Dragging Us All Into A Horrible World With An Early Access


An Early Access is on the way for DarKnot with DarKnot also offering up a demo for those not ready to shell out the cash

Those looking to add even more horror into their lives will be glad to see we have another PC title to add into the mix with DarKnot. Well, not currently to add into the mix in a full way but it looks like DarKnot Team will be gearing up to get the game to a state for Early Access this year. This is to go far beyond what you can currently experience out there with the demo version that is currently out there on Steam as you are reading these words. It will just be another way to get a fuller experience as you wait for all of the dark horrors to be wrapped up in one massive final form of it all. As long as you are into indie horror games like this.

For those that are just learning about DarKnot, let us give you some of the basics before you dive into the bit of gameplay or opt to download the demo here. This is a third-person psychological horror title that will focus more on the immersion of the world than the scares of it all. We will be placed in the middle of a labyrinth that looks to get darker and darker as we progress through it all. Not just in the terms of lighting but also in the terms of things we will be encountering along the way. Thankfully, we will be able to play DarKnot in the various manners that better fit up to go through a horror title like this. From sneaking to guns-a-blazing, we will be able to try to find out way out just as we like. Have a look and get a bit of the taste of things to come, unless you just want to hop into the demo and see what the Early Access might have for us down the line.

DarKnot — Gameplay Demo

DarKnot is a third-person, non-linear psychological horror game experience, focusing on a high level of detail and immersion. The DarKnot world is gloomy and terrifying.

DarKnot is set in a labyrinth made from the streets of a huge city. You have been abandoned, left alone, and you’ll have to face death in this endless labyrinth. They seem deceptively calm at first but the truth is much darker than that.

You can play the game the way you want, as a Warrior, an Explorer, a Survivor, or as a Fugitive. Currently, a demo version of DarKnot is available on Steam for you to experience a snippet of the game.

Have you heard of DarKnot before now or was this one flying too low under the radar to spot before? Do you like the look and feel of the world they are building or is it a little hard to tell from the basic visuals they have out there? Do you think the Early Access will offer up vastly more content than the demo or will it only be slightly expanded from the jump and grow over time? Tell us your thoughts on all of this down in the comments and then feel free to discuss it all as you so wish. If we get anything more for DarKnot, we will try to share it all with you here. For now, just keep checking back for all of the other great content we have to offer in the mix.

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