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Days Gone Is Riding In On The PC With Some Solid Features

Days Gone Is Riding In On The PC With Some Solid Features

Days Gone

A look at the PC version of Days Gone is here with Days Gone getting all of the usual upgrades for a game when it hits PC

On May 18th, we will be seeing Days Gone ride its way right out there for the PC gaming community so they can join in the story that the PS4 gamers have enjoyed for a while now. Even if the game did not make as big of a splash that some thought it would, Bend Studio still gave us all an amazing title that I would love to see get expanded upon in the future. That is seeming less likely in general, but maybe with the launch of Days Gone on the new platform and for a new audience, we could luck out. Especially when we get to see that there are many new features coming to the game when it launches there that could make many take a solid double-take at this amazing little zombie title.

Those looking to get a little more out of Days Gone than we had before, it looks like this version of the game will bring us all some ultra-wide monitor support, improved graphics options, foliage draw distances, a field of view options, and unlocked framerates for those that have a system that can handle all of this. All of this will also carry over into the photo mode for Days Gone for those looking to take some epic shots in the game and share them with the world. We might even be able to get a solid look at how the game was supposed to run after the original showing back at E3 when the audience all had their jaws drop with the wave of undead swarming in a few specific missions out there. Have a look at these new features below and get your hardware ready for the May 18th launch.

Days Gone — Features Trailer

Coming to PC May 18, 2021. Pre-Purchase Now.

PC features include ultra-wide monitor support, unlocked framerates, and improved graphics (increased level of details, field of view, foliage draw distances).

Days Gone is an open-world action-adventure game set two years after a devastating global pandemic. Play as Deacon St. John, a bounty hunter facing a brutal struggle for survival while searching for a reason to live.

Have you been holding on for the PC version of Days Gone here or did you already throw down for the PS4 version before? Do you think the PC version will get us closer to the selling gameplay we had before or will it still be close to the experience gamers had already? Could this maybe lead into a sequel for the IP if it sells well on PC or has that zombie run on by us all for now? Give us all of those thoughts down in the comments and then feel free to discuss it all as you wish. If there is more to share for Days Gone, know we will have it all here for you. Just keep your eyes on the site to see and hear all of that as it drops on the world out there.

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