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Days Gone Will Be Fighting Some Open-World & Zombie Fatigue

Days Gone Will Be Fighting Some Open-World & Zombie Fatigue

Days Gone

New developer interviews for Days Gone have been posted and it gives us a little more insight into Days Gone as well as how they are fighting genre fatigue

Given that Days Gone is the next big cover story for Game Informer it is no surprise that we have new information flowing out there for the game. Sadly nothing in terms of solid gameplay to look at as of yet, but we have a lot of fun updates from Bend Studios in terms of interviews that they have put together and thus placed online for all. None of which can confirm when we will see Days Gone grace the PS4, but they do cover some more of the basics for the game as well as why we should not be burnt out on open-world titles and the whole zombie fad that has been dominating all forms of media for some time now. Especially since they are not true zombies in the game when all is said and done.

First up we have a nice little interview with Days Gone’s creative director John Garvin where he dives into how the game will be combatting that fatigue in gaming and genre. It does seem like it would be a Herculean task given how so many games have gone down one or both of the paths that are the core of Days Gone. Thankfully it sounds like these are not true zombies, just zombie-like as we have seen in other games, film, and TV. Also, while the world is open it does look to pose more of a challenge for us to overcome than just go here, do a thing, then move on. I am sure there will be instances of that in the game but from the sound of things it will not be the core of it all.

How Days Gone Hopes To Win Over Skeptics

In this exclusive Game Informer interview featuring new gameplay, Days Gone’s creative director John Garvin shares his thoughts on the game industry’s potential for “zombie fatigue” and why Sony Bend’s open-world game will stand out when it launches on the PlayStation 4.

Next we have another of the rapid-fire interviews that GI likes to do with their guests. There is a lot of bullshit and jokes to wade through, as usual, but there are also some interesting and new things to note for Days Gone peppered in. We have pulled out a select few of them that seem to be more important to the gameplay and story, but you can have a look at the whole Q/A just below and maybe find other hidden gems in the mix there. I hope some of the more “jokey” answers and questions were just for fun and not sly ways to get other information out there…

Days Gone — 157 Rapid Fire Questions About The Game

  • The word “zombie” never appears in the game (they are called “freakers”)
  • Freaker bear is both a boss fight and a general enemy
  • Deacon is the only playable character
  • Deacon can swim, but doesn’t in the game for narrative reasons
  • No outfit customization
  • Game is approximately 30 hours long on the “golden path”
  • Better muffler on the motorcycle gives noise suppression for better stealth
  • Deacons bike can and will break down
  • You get points for doing stunts
  • You can lose the motorcycle and will have to go find it
  • You can upgrade the motorcycle’s paint job, exhaust, speed boost, handling
  • There will be motorcycle chases
  • Days Gone has fast travel
  • Will run at 30 frames per second, even with PS4 Pro enhancements (checkerboard 4K)
  • There are massive metropolitan areas in the game
  • There are playable flashbacks throughout the game
  • You build up encampments as bases throughout the game
  • You can communicate with home base while on your bike
  • You will learn the origin of the infection
  • Days Gone release date is early 2019

How are you feeling about Days Gone after all of this? Do you think that by the time the game does launch we will be ready for a new open-world or zombie-like title or will it be an uphill battle Bend Studio will have to fight for success? Do you like the elements of the open-world that will not be traditional or will you be looking for it to stick close to what we all know and not be a true challenge? Let us and the living world know what is on your mind down in the comments and then feel free to discuss. When we learn more for Days Gone, we will be back here to inform you of it. Just be sure to keep checking back in on the site to stay as up to date on it all as possible.

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