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Days Gone Will Use Realism To Build More Gameplay Tension

Days Gone Will Use Realism To Build More Gameplay Tension

Days Gone

A new behind the scenes video for Days Gone has dropped to explain how Days Gone will use a sense of realism to add to the gameplay tension in the game

It may not be much for now, but we have another look at Days Gone here and how Bend Studio is aiming to use more realism in the game to add to the tension we will feel when playing. At least that is the claim here as we see how we will be forced to encounter hordes of “freakers” in the game early on and have to deal with that as we progress further into the game. Not only that but we will also have to worry about our motorcycle’s status in Days Gone in terms of fuel and state of repair. All to make us worry about it during the game, but seeing as we can pretty much outrun most things in the game as we have seen, I am not sold on that idea. At least not yet even though I understand the goals they are aiming for.

Have a look at the latest for Days Gone right now and get a better understanding toward what I am talking about here.

Days Gone — How Realism Adds To The Gameplay Tension

Watch John Garvin, Creative Director for Days Gone, and Jeff Ross, Game Director for Days Gone, discuss how realism adds an element of tension to the zombie survival game.

So, does it look like the visual quality of Days Gone has dropped since we first saw it announced? It does to me in this new video, but that could just be how it was captured and edited. Given that we have seen this happen in the past with other games, it also looks like it could be taking a hit for all of those other realism things we will need to worry about in the game. Again, just my eyes currently, but would it not help for the realism side of things to keep Days Gone truly looking like we are in a real world with creatures and environments that look real than to have to worry about other basic things in the game. I am all for requiring things like explained for the motorcycle here, but if I am in a world that does not feel real that does not truly matter. I guess we will see as we get closer to February 22nd.

What do you think about the mechanics we have here for Days Gone and will it add to your enjoyment of the game? How well will that work in an open world environment set where resources should be limited? Do you also see a downgrade in the visuals or is it just on my end of the screen here? Let us all know what you think and see down in the comments and then discuss. For more footage of Days Gone, be sure to keep checking in here. We will do what we can to keep it all coming at you and you will not want to miss out. Unless you hate yourself. Then you just may…

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