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Dead Man’s Diary Has Opened Up On The PS5 For Us All To Experience

Dead Man’s Diary Has Opened Up On The PS5 For Us All To Experience

Dead Man’s Diary

Dead Man’s Diary is now available to play on the PS5 for those who have not been able to experience Dead Man’s Diary yet

The slow release of Dead Man’s Diary on all the major platforms has finally wrapped itself up with the game finally landing on the PS5. Only a good chunk of time since it hit the Xbox Series X|S and a lot longer since TML-Studios gave it to the PC gamers out there. It has been a long wait, but we are finally here and it looks as if this version of Dead Man’s Diary will be embracing the new console just as we would expect. That is, it is coming along with the extra bells and whistles that the PS5 can offer that the other platforms do not. So, there is that for a reason to have taken just a bit longer to drop out there.

Those not familiar with Dead Man’s Diary before now, it is a first-person title that will have us in an abandoned world filled with faceless monsters. From there we are going to need to survive what is out there while exploring and trying to find all of the other resources to keep us in the land of the living. All with the DualSense features added in for Dead Man’s Diary on the PS5 and the many other upgrades that have been placed out there for the Unreal 5 Engine since the game originally dropped in 2022. Get ready for some different lighting and effects to help immerse us further into the horror of this new world.

Dead Man’s Diary — PS5 Gameplay

Explore a diverse environment, from abandoned cities to dangerous wilderness areas. Every corner holds potential threats, but also valuable resources that you need to survive. Build shelters and search for food while defending against enemy creatures and other surprises.

PlayStation 5 Version Highlights:

  • Upgraded to Unreal Engine 5 for a superior gaming experience.
  • Integration of Unreal Engine 5’s advanced Lumen lighting technology.
  • Integrated in-game hints for enhanced guidance.
  • An optional dynamic help system to facilitate smoother gameplay.
  • Refined interaction mechanics with environmental objects.
  • PS5 Exclusive: DualSense wireless controller features for immersive gameplay.

It is weird to see for Dead Man’s Diary, but it does feel like the lighting in the game is a little off. At least as it comes to the outside and sunlight that we can see in this new trailer. Almost as if everything has a terrible haze over it all instead of feeling crisper. I have personally experienced this in the real world, so it is not unrealistic, but it does make it a bit odd for Dead Man’s Diary for me. Thankfully, it looks like it is only going to be the outside portions of the game, with all of the interior shots looking closer to photorealistic. I guess, though, we could just launch the game now and see how it will truly look on the new console.

Have you had a chance to play Dead Man’s Diary yet or did you need the PS5 release to be able to do this? Is the lighting a little off to you too or is that a style choice that the game is going with in this run? Will we see it leap over to the Switch after all of this time or will it be the main three platforms and leave a portion of the community wanting for more? Head on to the comment section to let us know and then discuss it all. If we get more for Dead Man’s Diary, we will do our best to add it to the site for you. Please keep on checking back for those updates and the many others we have along the way.

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